Why Different Sects In Islam

(Muhammad Latif Chaudhery, Lahore, Pakistan)

Every one claiming to be a Muslim believes in the sovereignty of ALLAH alone and tries to follow the canons of Islam. Yet there are two things. One is Deen and the other is implementation of Deen. Deen we find in the book of ALLAH and for the implementation of Deen the best authoritative example we find, is in the life of the prophet (P.B.U.H) and his companions. In an Islamic Country the State is responsible for the implementation of Deen and it is for the elected legislators to make rules in accordance with the book of ALLAH and precedents obtaining from the history of law making in Islam. In the absence of Central Authority of Law making every one assumes the role of explaining shariya; very often to suit the requirements of his own cult and clan. This is the causeway of diverse views and source of our confusion. Once the responsibility of law making is assumed by a central authority, oneness of law will overcome and the sects will cease of exit.

May ALLAH guide us in the right path.

Muhammad Latif Chaudhery
About the Author: Muhammad Latif Chaudhery Read More Articles by Muhammad Latif Chaudhery: 23 Articles with 27106 views Aged 82,Student of Quran, from Lahore, Pakistan.. View More