Quranic Values

(Muhammad Latif Chaudhery, Lahore, Pakistan)

Gentlemen! Assalam-o-Eilaikum
You may be well aware that according to the Holy Quran all men living on the earth belong to one Brotherhood which can materialize by bringing them all under one and the same law.

Basic Laws (Permanent Values) have been enshrined in their complete and final form in the Holy Quran; within the boundary walls of these Basic Laws (Permanent Values), men/ women of every age are free to determine, by mutual consultation, subsidiary laws to suit the needs, requirements, urges, and exigencies of their time, place and circumstances.

In order to make this point more elaborate and clear, I give a list of some of these Basic Laws (Permanent Values), so that the concept of the process of developing the subsidiary laws may open new frontiers of knowledge on the intellectual horizons of mankind. This will form the knowledge - base of Quranic Social Order for actualizing the latent potentialities of each and every individual, where these Basic Laws (Permanent Values) will remain constant and the subsidiary laws will go on transforming to suit the requirements/ urges of the time: Hence the combination of Permanence and Change in the Human Endeavours will lead to the concept of Human Personality as Changelessness in Change.


The following values form the underpinning of the Quranic Social Order:

1. Human Personality, the Divine Energy
- Its development is the ultimate goal of life on this earth

2. Respect for the Human Beings
- All human beings are equal by birth and are worthy of respect

3. Status according to the Actions
- Criterion of respect is according to the man's personal qualities

4. Justice
- Equality to each human being by virtue of his/her birth
- Uniform opportunities for development of his/her potential
- Status with respect to her/his actions
- Reward corresponding to his/her efforts
- Not suppressing what is due to him/her
- Deciding all matters on all human beings, even to the enemy

5. Punishment
- To the nature of crime committed

6. Personal Responsibility
- Shoulder it first to claim for right (shouldering of responsibility accrues right alone)

7. Zulm
- Wrong not and not be wronged

8. Ehsan
- Maintain proportion among the disproportioned as a matter of right

9. Freedom
- Maintain freedom for every individual and pay respect to freedom

10. Subservience
- To ALLAH's revealed laws alone

11. Law of Requital (Law of Mukafat)
- Establishment of Natural Consequences of Actions, overt or covert

12. Social Justice
- Not confounding truth with falsehood
- Nor knowingly conceal the truth what-so-ever be the reason: favouritism, greed, envy, enmity, victimization, self-interest.
- Not hiding testimony
- Not pleading the cause of the perfidious, the dishonest, the distrust or the treacherous.

13. Obey and Ordain to Obey the Recognized Laws for the Establishment of Society
- Enjoin right conduct and forbid indecency for the establishment of a society

14. Avoid Anarchy, Rebelliousness and Lawlessness as Defined in the Holy Qur'an

15. Permanent Values as a Boundary line for Human Actions
- Be within the boundaries of the permanent values and consult others for deciding partial matters

16. Render back the Trusts
- Trust to those alone who deserve and never to the undeserved

17. Subsistence
- Keep the sources of production open to the benefit of the humanity as a whole

18. Intellectual and Physiological Nourishment of Others Strengths One's Own Personality
- Reflect this value in behavioural activities: overt and covert

19. Chastity
- Put safe-guards for the preservation of chastity

20. Universal Brotherhood
- Develop brotherhood-panism

21. The Survival of the Constructive
- Be beneficial to the humanity in terms of those affairs which are constructive and are based on permanent values and not in those affairs which are destructive and unlawful

22. Co-operation, Corroboration
- Co-operate one another unto righteousness alone

23. Reflect the Attributes of ALLAH in Behaviour
- Project facets of ALLAH in behavioural activities, overt and covert both, so far tenable within the human parameters

24. Security
- Provide security so that every one is dealt within the permanent values

25. Slavery
- No human being shall be a slave or a subject to his/her fellow beings

26. Limitations to Human Actions
- Follow that which is sent down to you from your Nourisher and follow not any other protector beside Him


If there is no clash or tie between the values given below and any of the permanent values listed above, these values will be incorporated in behaviour. In case of tie, only the permanent values will be strengthened even at the cost of one's own life:

1. Life-partner's and Offspring's Love
2. Lust for Wealth
3. Security of Life
4. Safety of the Haven, the Hearth and the Crops
5. Contract

This is not a comprehensive list. From the Holy Quran, more values can be added and this process will continue to meet the requirements of the time, place and circumstances. Should you find any interest in these words please feel free to ask any question rising in your mind. I shall try to provide a link with the Holy Book Quran.

With regards

Yours truly,
Muhammad Latif Chaudhery

Muhammad Latif Chaudhery
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