Respect every women!!

(Rabia Abdul Ghaffar Baloch, Karachi)

Women’s day is near on 8th march. Basically what is women’s day? It is really necessary to celebrate International women’s day? If anyone asks me then definitely my answer will be yes it is very necessary to celebrate women’s day. As women’s are important part of our society. Everyone should always take care of women’s right and always give respect to every woman.

When we talk about the origin of women’s day first time concept of women’s day was started on 28the February 1909 in the United States or we can say the idea of an International women’s day was inspired by America’s National women’s day, declared by Socialist party of America. Just after one year the Socialist approved the idea of International women’s day. So the next year in 1911 it was first International women’s day celebrated or it is also known as International working women’s day.

There was a time when working men thought that they can easily bear all the responsibilities on their shoulders alone. They think they can easily deal with the world alone without their women folks. But this is not always happened as we always heard behind every successful men there is a women whether she is mother, daughter or wife but there is always women’s important contribution behind men’s success.

In our society basically gender discrimination is always present. Men always think themselves superior over woman. But there should be always gender equality and ensure that all women and girls are able to lead lives of dignity free from violence, and discrimination, including discrimination based on stereotypes. All women and girls should have equal access to quality education, employment, housing, equal participation of women with men in decision making process at all levels, health, irrespective of race, class, income, immigration status or involvement with the criminal justice system.

This is the responsibility of a man to take care of women’s rights. Women’s rights around the world is an important indicator to understand global well-being. Yet, despite many successes in empowering women, numerous issues still exist in all areas of life, ranging from the cultural, political to the economic. For example, women often work more than men, yet are paid less; gender discrimination affects girls and women throughout their lifetime; and women and girls are often are the ones that suffer the most poverty. Women and girls around the world are still married as children or trafficked into forced labor and sex slavery. They are refused access to education and political participation, and some are trapped in conflicts where rape is perpetrated as a weapon of war. Around the world, deaths related to pregnancy and childbirth are needlessly high, and women are prevented from making deeply personal choices in their private lives. Human Rights Watch is working toward the realization of women’s empowerment and gender equality protecting the rights and improving the lives of women and girls on the ground.

Many may think that women’s rights are only an issue in countries where religion is law, such as many Muslim countries. Or even worse, some may think this is no longer an issue at all. The biggest problem facing women today is not the opinion of man, it is the opinion of woman. When women can harbor anger, resentment, or jealousy for those who call themselves feminists, we have failed. When women who consider themselves feminists begin to look down on men as inferior or undeserving, we have failed. When women can make each other feel unfeminine or wrong for being strong and successful, we have failed. We as women have caused stagnation in our own society by being apathetic and uninformed.

Women’s issues cover all aspects of what it means to be a woman. It means examining the subjugation women have endured and attempting to understand it. We must learn to celebrate our womanhood, our bodies, our beliefs, and our power. It is important for each woman to find a safe place to talk about her femininity and her connection to the larger world of women. Finding sisterhood and embracing it are a big part of women’s issues.

Rabia Abdul Ghaffar Baloch
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