Gender discrimination:

(Salman shaikh, karachi)

Discriminate is to power of making fine distinction, discrimination is not only in Pakistan but it is all over the globe. They faces gender barriers in getting a better job .Women working full time are paid on average 18% less than men working full time and women working part time are paid on average 40% less than men working part time instead of equal status. 73% of domestic violence is committed against women. Women are beaten by men in many states. My project aim to provide awareness about the gender discrimination specifically sexual harrament , gender discrimination cues and violence in work places or other institutions against women .mostly In our middle and high school, girls are more likely than boys to be discouraged from participating in sports, and clubs like debate, math, and science. But girls are more likely to be encouraged to participate in after school volunteer work, social programs, and more passive activities.

If I focus on Pakistan it also has an incredibly high ration of discrimination 43.8 percent are schools for boys, 31.5 percent are schools for girls and the remaining 24.7 percent are schools with Mix enrolment of both boys and girls. Thus Pakistan has fewer schools for girls than for boys. Specifically in rural areas of Pakistan have more discrimination in Baluchistan there are only 31 percent girls of age 5-9 attend primary school.

In 2008, it was recorded that 21.8 percent of females were participating in the labor force in Pakistan while 82.7 percent of men were involved in labor.[8] The rate of women in the labor force has an annual growth rate of 6.5 percent. Out of the 47 million employed peoples in Pakistan in 2008, only 9 million were women and of those 9 million, 70 percent worked in the agricultural sector. The income of Pakistani women in the labor force is generally lower than that of men, due in part by a lack of formal education

Salman shaikh
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