Media sensationalism in paksitan

(Salman shaikh, karachi)

Well now days media as become a penopticon (invisible god) today media reflects the public desire it is now over whelming desirable concept. Media is more sensationalized because they want the more subscription and advertising revenue a media group is able to accumulate. Media has made all of us geek What they says we believe what they show we persevere what they convey we opt. Unlike we have lost our sense of thinking and ability. Pakistani Media always tries to create hype even to those matters that hold no importance at all. Media channels are spreading a feeling of disappointment among the general masses through sensationalizing the petty issues, which are not directly associated to the problems of common people. We eventually gets upset frustrated.

-What should we call it irresponsible, immaturity or kind of anything else? We are now on the media fatigue stage. The spectacle of veena malik has gotten too much hype... everybody talks about it. my project is aim to provide awareness about the Media and Media sensationalism. Now majority is not willing to hear a peaceful news . Many journalists openly criticize anchors. Why, just because they inculcating emotions, enthusiasm and patriotism along with rational facts? I think NO it time to wake up!


Salman shaikh
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