Money Plants
(Muhammad Imran Khan , Sargodha)
Money plants are thought to
bring richness, prosperity, blessings and good fortune. It’s a concept for which
some plants are given this name. Growing money plants is so easy job that
someone can ever do. Yes planting money plants is so much easy. They do not need
proper care and other much practices. Just take some cuttings and put them in a
beautiful glass vessel and add water. Clean drinking water is enough. They
require little amount of nutrition which common drinking water can easily
provide. The only care needed is to change water at regular intervals. If your
water is somewhat saline or contain salts then you have to change it after 1-2
days. If the salts level is very much low then 3-4 days are good to change. Pure
drinking water can do well for up to seven days.
The variegated and green foliage of money plants is a beautiful thing you can
add to your interiors. Moreover money plant Epipremnum aureum have heart shaped
leaves that looks so lovely to have money plants around you.
Arranging and placing plants is important. Design of your room whether bed or
kitchen room or dining room will help you their placement. For offices the money
plants present in a small glass vessel of an attractive shape adds so much
beauty to your office. It offers fresh environment and pleasing mood to do and
enjoy your office work. Much beautiful glassware such as funnels, cups, jars,
small cylinders or other show pieces can help. Antique glass bottles are also a
good selection.
For walls the glass bottles containing money plants could also be hanged or
placed by some support. Corners where often we see while sitting or lying in a
room also offer a suitable place for money plants. The creeping money plants
going up to the ceiling supported by some thread or totem add grace and
attraction to a room.
Usually no fertilizer is needed for small money plants but if they grow bigger
and you want to transfer them into pots then use a nutrients rich media having
good porosity and water holding capacity.
Money plants grow well indoors and they do not require direct sunlight. Indirect
sunlight or tube light used in rooms is sufficient for their growth. High
temperature is disliked by money plants. If the temperature is high you need to
add more water.
Money plants are also a best option for garages, corridors and hanging baskets.
They are evergreen and ever living.
The attraction of any indoor plant is greatly affected when it contains one or
more yellowing or dead dried leaves. So regularly check all your plants and cut
the dried or yellow leaves with sharp knife or scissor close to the stem to
enhance the appearance of the plant.
The other important thing is the shiny leaves of the money plant. Money plants
have natural wax coated leaves which offer glazing shine and beautiful look.
Some times they catch the dust and become less attractive. Weekly leaves
cleaning is important. Take a tissue paper or soft cotton plug or cloth. Put
your palm of one hand below the leaf and wipe off the dust from the surface of
the leaf. Similarly remove dust from all leaves and the plant will be again more
attractive to the viewers.
M. Imran Khan Kalyar
MSc. (Hons.) Horticulture