What ALLAH wants us NOT TO DO

(Muhammad Latif Chaudhery, Lahore)


[2:11, "DO NOT commit evil,"

[2:41] You shall believe in what I have revealed herein, confirming what you have; DO NOT be the first to reject it. DO NOT trade away My revelations for a cheap price, and observe Me.

[2:42] DO NOT confound the truth with falsehood, nor shall you conceal the truth, knowingly.

[2:60 Eat and drink from GOD's provisions, and DO NOT roam the earth corruptingly.

[2:104] DO NOT say, "Raa`ena"* (be our shepherd). Instead, you should say, "Unzurna" (watch over us), and listen..

[2:132] GOD has pointed out the religion for you; DO NOT die except as Islamist."

[2:147] This is the truth from your Lord; DO NOT harbor any doubt.

[2:150] . DO NOT fear transgressors, fear ALLAH instead.

[2:152] You shall remember Me, that I may remember you, and be thankful to Me; DO NOT be unappreciative.

[2:154] DO NOT say of those who are killed in the cause of GOD, "They are dead." They are alive at their Lord, but you DO NOT perceive.

[2:168] O people, eat from the earth's products all that is lawful and good, and DO NOT follow the steps of Satan; he is your most ardent enemy.

[2:190] You may fight in the cause of GOD against those who attack you, but DO NOT aggress. GOD does not love the aggressors.

[2:191] You may kill those who wage war against you, and you may evict them whence they evicted you. Oppression is worse than murder. DO NOT fight them at the Sacred Masjid, unless they attack you therein. If they attack you, you may kill them. This is the just retribution for those disbelievers.

[2:195] You shall spend in the cause of GOD; DO NOT throw yourselves with your own hands into destruction. You shall be charitable; GOD loves the charitable.

[2:196] You shall observe the complete rites of Hajj and`Umrah for GOD. If you are prevented, you shall send an offering, and DO NOT resume cutting your hair until your offering has reached its destination.

[2:208] O you who believe, you shall embrace total submission; DO NOT follow the steps of Satan, for he is your most ardent enemy.

[2:221] DO NOT marry idolatresses unless they believe; a believing woman is better than an idolatress, even if you like her. Nor shall you give your daughters in marriage to idolatrous men, unless they believe. A believing man is better than an idolater, even if you like him. These invite to Hell, while GOD invites to Paradise and forgiveness, as He wills. He clarifies His revelations for the people, that they may take heed.

[2:222] They ask you about menstruation: say, "It is harmful; you shall avoid sexual intercourse with the women during menstruation; DO NOT approach them until they are rid of it. Once they are rid of it, you may have intercourse with them in the manner designed by GOD. GOD loves the repenters, and He loves those who are clean."

[2:224] DO NOT subject GOD's name to your casual swearing, that you may appear righteous, pious, or to attain credibility among the people. GOD is Hearer, Knower.

[2:229] Divorce may be retracted twice. The divorced woman shall be allowed to live in the same home amicably, or leave it amicably. It is not lawful for the husband to take back anything he had given her. However, the couple may fear that they may transgress GOD's law. If there is fear that they may transgress GOD's law, they commit no error if the wife willingly gives back whatever she chooses. These are GOD's laws; DO NOT transgress them. Those who transgress GOD's laws are the unjust.

[2:231] If you divorce the women, once they fulfill their interim (three menstruations), you shall allow them to live in the same home amicably, or let them leave amicably. DO NOT force them to stay against their will, as a revenge. Anyone who does this wrongs his own soul. DO NOT take GOD's revelations in vain. Remember GOD's blessings upon you, and that He sent down to you the scripture and wisdom to enlighten you. You shall observe GOD, and know that GOD is aware of all things.

[2:232] If you divorce the women, once they fulfill their interim, DO NOT prevent them from remarrying their husbands, if they reconcile amicably. This shall be heeded by those among you who believe in GOD and the Last Day. This is purer for you, and more righteous. GOD knows, while you DO NOT know.

[2:235] You commit no sin by announcing your engagement to the women, or keeping it secret. GOD knows that you will think about them. DO NOT meet them secretly, unless you have something righteous to discuss. DO NOT consummate the marriage until their interim is fulfilled. You should know that GOD knows your innermost thoughts, and observe Him. You should know that GOD is Forgiver, Clement.

[2:262] Those who spend their money in the cause of GOD, then DO NOT follow their charity with insult or harm, will receive their recompense from their Lord; they have nothing to fear, nor will they grieve.

[2:264] O you who believe, DO NOT nullify your charities by inflicting reproach and insult, like one who spends his money to show off, while disbelieving in GOD and the Last Day.

[2:267] O you who believe, you shall give to charity from the good things you earn, and from what we have produced for you from the earth. DO NOT pick out the bad therein to give away, when you yourselves DO NOT accept it unless your eyes are closed. You should know that GOD is Rich, Praiseworthy.

[2:282] O you who believe, when you transact a loan for any period, you shall write it down. An impartial scribe shall do the writing. No scribe shall refuse to perform this service, according to GOD's teachings. He shall write, while the debtor dictates the terms. He shall observe GOD his Lord and never cheat. If the debtor is mentally incapable, or helpless, or cannot dictate, his guardian shall dictate equitably. Two men shall serve as witnesses; if not two men, then a man and two women whose testimony is acceptable to all.* Thus, if one woman becomes biased, the other will remind her. It is the obligation of the witnesses to testify when called upon to do so. DO NOT tire of writing the details, no matter how long, including the time of repayment. This is equitable in the sight of GOD, assures better witnessing, and eliminates any doubts you may have. Business transactions that you execute on the spot need not be recorded, but have them witnessed. No scribe or witness shall be harmed on account of his services. If you harm them, it would be wickedness on your part. You shall observe GOD, and GOD will teach you. GOD is Omniscient.

[2:283] If you are traveling, and no scribe is available, a bond shall be posted to guarantee repayment. If one is trusted in this manner, he shall return the bond when due, and he shall observe GOD his Lord. DO NOT withhold any testimony by concealing what you had witnessed. Anyone who withholds a testimony is sinful at heart. GOD is fully aware of everything you do.

[2:286] GOD never burdens a soul beyond its means: to its credit is what it earns, and against it is what it commits. "Our Lord, DO NOT condemn us if we forget or make mistakes. Our Lord, and protect us from blaspheming against You, like those before us have done. Our Lord, protect us from sinning until it becomes too late for us to repent. Pardon us and forgive us. You are our Lord and Master. Grant us victory over the disbelieving people."

[3:60] This is the truth from your Lord; DO NOT harbor any doubts.

[3:73] "And DO NOT believe except as those who follow your religion." Say, "The true guidance is GOD's guidance." If they claim that they have the same guidance, or argue with you about your Lord, say, "All grace is in GOD's hand; He bestows it upon whomever He wills." GOD is Bounteous, Omniscient.

[3:102] O you who believe, you shall observe GOD as He should be observed, and DO NOT die except as Muslim.

[3:103] You shall hold fast to the rope of GOD, all of you, and DO NOT be divided. Recall GOD's blessings upon you - you used to be enemies and He reconciled your hearts. By His grace, you became brethren. You were at the brink of a pit of fire, and He saved you therefrom. GOD thus explains His revelations for you, that you may be guided.

[3:105] DO NOT be like those who became divided and disputed, despite the clear proofs that were given to them. For these have incurred a terrible retribution.

[3:118] O you who believe, DO NOT befriend outsiders who never cease to wish you harm; they even wish to see you suffer. Hatred flows out of their mouths and what they hide in their chests is far worse. We thus clarify the revelations for you, if you understand.

[3:156] O you who believe, DO NOT be like those who disbelieved and said of their kinsmen who traveled or mobilized for war, "Had they stayed with us, they would not have died or gotten killed." GOD renders this a source of grief in their hearts. GOD controls life and death. GOD is Seer of everything you do.

[3:169] DO NOT think that those who are killed in the cause of GOD are dead; they are alive at their Lord, enjoying His provisions.

[3:175] It is the devil's system to instill fear into his subjects. DO NOT fear them and fear Me instead, if you are believers.

[3:176] DO NOT be saddened by those who hasten to disbelieve. They never hurt GOD in the least. Instead, GOD has willed that they will have no share in the Hereafter. They have incurred a terrible retribution.

[3:196] DO NOT be impressed by the apparent success of disbelievers.

[4:2] You shall hand over to the orphans their rightful properties. DO NOT substitute the bad for the good, and DO NOT consume their properties by combining them with yours. This would be a gross injustice.

[4:5] DO NOT give immature orphans the properties that GOD has entrusted with you as guardians. You shall provide for them therefrom, and clothe them, and treat them kindly.

[4:6] You shall test the orphans when they reach puberty. As soon as you find them mature enough, give them their property. DO NOT consume it extravagantly in a hurry, before they grow up. The rich guardian shall not charge any wage, but the poor guardian may charge equitably. When you give them their properties, you shall have witnesses. GOD suffices as Reckoner.

[4:22] DO NOT marry the women who were previously married to your fathers - existing marriages are exempted and shall not be broken - for it is a gross offense, and an abominable act.

[4:29] O you who believe, DO NOT consume each others' properties illicitly - only mutually acceptable transactions are permitted. You shall not kill yourselves. GOD is Merciful towards you.

[4:36] You shall worship GOD alone - DO NOT associate anything with Him. You shall regard the parents, the relatives, the orphans, the poor, the related neighbor, the unrelated neighbor.

[4:43] O you who believe, DO NOT observe Prayers (Salat) while intoxicated, so that you know what you are saying. Nor after sexual orgasm without bathing, unless you are on the road, traveling; if you are ill or traveling, or you had urinary or fecal-related excretion (such as gas), or contacted the women (sexually), and you cannot find water, you shall observe Tayammum (dry ablution) by touching clean dry soil, then wiping your faces and hands therewith. GOD is Pardoner, Forgiver.

[4:89] They wish that you disbelieve as they have disbelieved, then you become equal. DO NOT consider them friends, unless they mobilize along with you in the cause of GOD. If they turn against you, you shall fight them, and you may kill them when you encounter them in war. You shall not accept them as friends, or allies.*

[4:94] O you who believe, if you strike in the cause of GOD, you shall be absolutely sure. DO NOT say to one who offers you peace, "You are not a believer," seeking the spoils of this world. For GOD possesses infinite spoils. Remember that you used to be like them, and GOD blessed you. Therefore, you shall be absolutely sure (before you strike). GOD is fully Cognizant of everything you do.

[4:104] DO NOT waver in pursuing the enemy. If you suffer, they also suffer. However, you expect from GOD what they never expect. GOD is Omniscient, Most Wise.

[4:107] DO NOT argue on behalf of those who have wronged their own souls; GOD does not love any betrayer, guilty.

[4:108] They hide from the people, and DO NOT care to hide from GOD, though He is with them as they harbor ideas He dislikes. GOD is fully aware of everything they do.

[4:129] You can never be equitable in dealing with more than one wife, no matter how hard you try. Therefore, DO NOT be so biased as to leave one of them hanging (neither enjoying marriage, nor left to marry someone else). If you correct this situation and maintain righteousness, GOD is Forgiver, Most Merciful.

[4:135] O you who believe, you shall be absolutely equitable, and observe GOD, when you serve as witnesses, even against yourselves, or your parents, or your relatives. Whether the accused is rich or poor, GOD takes care of both. Therefore, DO NOT be biased by your personal wishes. If you deviate or disregard (this commandment), then GOD is fully Cognizant of everything you do.

[4:154] And we raised Mount Sinai above them, as we took their covenant. And we said to them, "Enter the gate humbly." And we said to them, "DO NOT desecrate the Sabbath." Indeed, we took from them a solemn covenant.

[4:171] O people of the scripture, DO NOT transgress the limits of your religion, and DO NOT say about GOD except the truth. The Messiah, Jesus, the son of Mary, was a messenger of GOD, and His word that He had sent to Mary, and a revelation from Him. Therefore, you shall believe in GOD and His messengers. You shall not say, "Trinity." You shall refrain from this for your own good. GOD is only one god. Be He glorified; He is much too glorious to have a son. To Him belongs everything in the heavens and everything on earth. GOD suffices as Lord and Master.

[5:2] O you who believe, DO NOT violate the rites instituted by GOD, nor the Sacred Months, nor the animals to be offered, nor the garlands marking them, nor the people who head for the Sacred Shrine (Ka`bah) seeking blessings from their Lord and approval. Once you complete the pilgrimage, you may hunt.* DO NOT be provoked into aggression by your hatred of people who once prevented you from going to the Sacred Masjid. You shall cooperate in matters of righteousness and piety; DO NOT cooperate in matters that are sinful and evil. You shall observe GOD. GOD is strict in enforcing retribution.

[5:3] Prohibited for you are animals that die of themselves, blood, the meat of pigs, and animals dedicated to other than GOD. (Animals that die of themselves include those) strangled, struck with an object, fallen from a height, gored, attacked by a wild animal - unless you save your animal before it dies - and animals sacrificed on altars. Also prohibited is dividing the meat through a game of chance; this is an abomination. Today, the disbelievers have given up concerning (the eradication of) your religion; DO NOT fear them and fear Me instead. Today, I have completed your religion, perfected My blessing upon you, and I have decreed Submission as the religion for you. If one is forced by famine (to eat prohibited food), without being deliberately sinful, then GOD is Forgiver, Merciful.

[5:8] O you who believe, you shall be absolutely equitable, and observe GOD, when you serve as witnesses. DO NOT be provoked by your conflicts with some people into committing injustice. You shall be absolutely equitable, for it is more righteous. You shall observe GOD. GOD is fully Cognizant of everything you do.

[5:21] "O my people, enter the holy land that GOD has decreed for you, and DO NOT rebel, lest you become losers."

[5:26] He said, "Henceforth, it is forbidden them for forty years, during which they will roam the earth aimlessly. DO NOT grieve over such wicked people."

[5:41] O you messenger, DO NOT be saddened by those who hasten to disbelieve among those who say, "We believe," with their mouths, while their hearts DO NOT believe. Among the Jews,

[5:44] We have sent down the Torah,* containing guidance and light. Ruling in accordance with it were the Jewish prophets, as well as the rabbis and the priests, as dictated to them in GOD's scripture, and as witnessed by them. Therefore, DO NOT reverence human beings; you shall reverence Me instead. And DO NOT trade away My revelations for a cheap price. Those who DO NOT rule in accordance with GOD's revelations are the disbelievers.

[5:48] Then we revealed to you this scripture, truthfully, confirming previous scriptures, and superseding them. You shall rule among them in accordance with GOD's revelations, and DO NOT follow their wishes if they differ from the truth that came to you. For each of you, we have decreed laws and different rites. Had GOD willed, He could have made you one congregation. But He thus puts you to the test through the revelations He has given each of you. You shall compete in righteousness. To GOD is your final destiny - all of you - then He will inform you of everything you had disputed.

[5:49] You shall rule among them in accordance with GOD's revelations to you. DO NOT follow their wishes, and beware lest they divert you from some of GOD's revelations to you. If they turn away, then know that GOD wills to punish them for some of their sins. Indeed, many people are wicked.

[5:51] O you who believe, DO NOT take certain Jews and Christians as allies; these are allies of one another. Those among you who ally themselves with these belong with them. GOD does not guide the transgressors.

[5:57] O you who believe, DO NOT befriend those among the recipients of previous scripture who mock and ridicule your religion, nor shall you befriend the disbelievers. You shall reverence GOD, if you are really believers.

[5:68] Say, "O people of the scripture, you have no basis until you uphold the Torah, and the Gospel, and what is sent down to you herein from your Lord." For sure, these revelations from your Lord will cause many of them to plunge deeper into transgression and disbelief. Therefore, DO NOT feel sorry for the disbelieving people.

[5:77] Say, "O people of the scripture, DO NOT transgress the limits of your religion beyond the truth, and DO NOT follow the opinions of people who have gone astray, and have misled multitudes of people; they are far astray from the right path."

[5:87] O you who believe, DO NOT prohibit good things that are made lawful by GOD, and DO NOT aggress; GOD dislikes the aggressors.

[5:95] O you who believe, DO NOT kill any game during pilgrimage. Anyone who kills any game on purpose, his fine shall be a number of livestock animals that is equivalent to the game animals he killed. The judgment shall be set by two equitable people among you. They shall make sure that the offerings reach the Ka`bah. Otherwise, he may expiate by feeding poor people, or by an equivalent fast to atone for his offense. GOD has pardoned past offenses. But if anyone returns to such an offense, GOD will avenge it. GOD is Almighty, Avenger.

[5:101] O you who believe, DO NOT ask about matters which, if revealed to you prematurely, would hurt you. If you ask about them in light of the Quran, they will become obvious to you. GOD has deliberately overlooked them. GOD is Forgiver, Clement.

[6:14] Say, "Shall I accept other than GOD as a Lord and Master, when He is the Initiator of the heavens and the earth, and He feeds but is not fed?" Say, "I am commanded to be the most devoted submitter, and, `DO NOT be an idol worshiper.

[6:35] If their rejection gets to be too much for you, you should know that even if you dug a tunnel through the earth, or climbed a ladder into the sky, and produced a miracle for them (they still would not believe). Had GOD willed, He could have guided them, unanimously. Therefore, DO NOT behave like the ignorant ones.

[6:52] And DO NOT dismiss those who implore their Lord day and night, devoting themselves to Him alone. You are not responsible for their reckoning, nor are they responsible for your reckoning. If you dismiss them, you will be a transgressor.

[6:68] If you see those who mock our revelations, you shall avoid them until they delve into another subject. If the devil causes you to forget, then, as soon as you remember, DO NOT sit with such evil people.

[6:76] When the night fell, he saw a shining planet. "Maybe this is my Lord," he said. When it disappeared, he said, "I DO NOT like (gods) that disappear."

[6:108] DO NOT curse the idols they set up beside GOD, lest they blaspheme and curse GOD, out of ignorance. We have adorned the works of every group in their eyes. Ultimately, they return to their Lord, then He informs them of everything they had done.

[6:121] DO NOT eat from that upon which the name of GOD has not been mentioned, for it is an abomination. The devils inspire their allies to argue with you; if you obey them, you will be idol worshipers.

[6:141] He is the One who established gardens, trellised and untrellised, and palm trees, and crops with different tastes, and olives, and pomegranate - fruits that are similar, yet dissimilar. Eat from their fruits, and give the due alms on the day of harvest,* and DO NOT waste anything. He does not love the wasters.

[6:142] Some livestock supply you with transportation, as well as bedding materials. Eat from GOD's provisions to you, and DO NOT follow the steps of Satan; he is your most ardent enemy.

[6:150] Say, "Bring your witnesses who would testify that GOD has prohibited this or that." If they testify, DO NOT testify with them. Nor shall you follow the opinions of those who reject our revelations, and those who disbelieve in the Hereafter, and those who stray away from their Lord.

[6:152] You shall not touch the orphans' money except in the most righteous manner, until they reach maturity. You shall give full weight and full measure when you trade, equitably. We DO NOT burden any soul beyond its means. You shall be absolutely just when you bear witness, even against your relatives. You shall fulfill your covenant with GOD. These are His commandments to you, that you may take heed.

[6:153] This is My path - a straight one. You shall follow it, and DO NOT follow any other paths, lest they divert you from His path. These are His commandments to you, that you may be saved.

[6:159] Those who divide themselves into sects DO NOT belong with you. Their judgment rests with GOD, then He will inform them of everything they had done.

[7:3] You shall all follow what is revealed to you from your Lord; DO NOT follow any idols besides Him. Rarely do you take heed.

[7:19] "As for you, Adam, dwell with your wife in Paradise, and eat therefrom as you please, but DO NOT approach this one tree, lest you fall in sin."

[7:27] O children of Adam, DO NOT let the devil dupe you as he did when he caused the eviction of your parents from Paradise, and the removal of their garments to expose their bodies. He and his tribe see you, while you DO NOT see them. We appoint the devils as companions of those who DO NOT believe.

[7:56] DO NOT corrupt the earth after it has been set straight, and worship Him out of reverence, and out of hope. Surely, GOD's mercy is attainable by the righteous.

[7:73] To Thamoud we sent their brother Saaleh. He said, "O my people, worship GOD; you have no other god beside Him. Proof has been provided for you from your Lord: here is GOD's camel, to serve as a sign for you. Let her eat from GOD's land, and DO NOT touch her with any harm, lest you incur a painful retribution.

[7:74] "Recall that He made you inheritors after `Aad, and established you on earth, building mansions in its valleys, and carving homes from its mountains. You shall remember GOD's blessings, and DO NOT roam the earth corruptingly."

[7:85] To Midyan we sent their brother Shu`aib. He said, "O my people, worship GOD; you have no other god beside Him. Proof has come to you from your Lord. You shall give full weight and full measure when you trade. DO NOT cheat the people out of their rights. DO NOT corrupt the earth after it has been set straight. This is better for you, if you are believers.

[7:86] "Refrain from blocking every path, seeking to repel those who believe from the path of GOD, and DO NOT make it crooked. Remember that you used to be few and He multiplied your number. Recall the consequences for the wicked.

[7:131] When good omens came their way, they said, "We have deserved this," but when a hardship afflicted them, they blamed Moses and those with him. In fact, their omens are decided only by GOD, but most of them DO NOT know.

[7:142] We summoned Moses for thirty* nights, and completed them by adding ten.* Thus, the audience with his Lord lasted forty* nights. Moses said to his brother Aaron, "Stay here with my people, maintain righteousness, and DO NOT follow the ways of the corruptors."

[7:205] You shall remember your Lord within yourself, publicly, privately, and quietly, day and night; DO NOT be unaware.*

[8:15] O you who believe, if you encounter the disbelievers who have mobilized against you, DO NOT turn back and flee.

[8:20] O you who believe, obey GOD and His messenger, and DO NOT disregard him while you hear.

[8:21] DO NOT be like those who say, "We hear," when they DO NOT hear.

[8:22] The worst creatures in the sight of GOD are the deaf and dumb, who DO NOT understand.

[8:27] O you who believe, DO NOT betray GOD and the messenger, and DO NOT betray those who trust you, now that you know.

[8:46] You shall obey GOD and His messenger, and DO NOT dispute among yourselves, lest you fail and scatter your strength. You shall steadfastly persevere. GOD is with those who steadfastly persevere.

[8:47] DO NOT be like those who left their homes grudgingly, only to show off, and in fact discouraged others from following the path of GOD. GOD is fully aware of everything they do.

[9:4] If the idol worshipers sign a peace treaty with you, and DO NOT violate it, nor band together with others against you, you shall fulfill your treaty with them until the expiration date. GOD loves the righteous.

[9:23] O you who believe, DO NOT ally yourselves even with your parents and your siblings, if they prefer disbelieving over believing. Those among you who ally themselves with them are transgressing.

[9:34] O you who believe, many religious leaders and preachers take the people's money illicitly, and repel from the path of GOD. Those who hoard the gold and silver, and DO NOT spend them in the cause of GOD, promise them a painful retribution.

[9:55] DO NOT be impressed by their money, or their children. GOD causes these to be sources of retribution for them in this life, and (when they die) their souls depart while they are disbelievers.

[9:66] DO NOT apologize. You have disbelieved after having believed. If we pardon some of you, we will punish others among you, as a consequence of their wickedness.

[9:85] DO NOT be impressed by their money or their children; GOD causes these to be sources of misery for them in this world, and their souls depart as disbelievers.

[10:61] You DO NOT get into any situation, nor do you recite any Quran, nor do you do anything, without us being witnesses thereof as you do it. Not even an atom's weight is out of your Lord's control, be it in the heavens or the earth. Nor is there anything smaller than an atom, or larger, that is not recorded in a profound record.

[10:65] DO NOT be saddened by their utterances. All power belongs to GOD. He is the Hearer, the Omniscient.

[10:94] If you have any doubt regarding what is revealed to you from your Lord, then ask those who read the previous scripture. Indeed, the truth has come to you from your Lord. DO NOT be with the doubters.


Muhammad Latif Chaudhery
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