“Social moral and religious effects on youth to make them a healthy human being”

(Fatima, Lahore)

Social, moral values and religion dose effect the youth in their lives and make them a healthy human being. Morality simply refers to the norms of right and wrong conduct. Religious and moral education introduced by the early missionaries in African countries has played a great role in their national development which the citizens are enjoying today. The main objective of religious and moral education is to help the child to engage in a process of personal search for values, meaning and purpose in life, which helps in the development of a nation. Though biologically, a man is born with all the potentialities that make him morally a human being, yet his moral conscience needs to be formed properly and be shaped to make him a fully responsible human being. He needs direction in life that will help him to grow responsibly. Therefore, there is a great need of religious and moral education for a positive impact on nation building.

Religious Education is the term given to the education that is concerned with the teaching of religion; this includes the practices that influence people’s lives in every time and every place. It involves the forming of every human being to be a true child of God, a perfect man, in other words to be a finished man of character.Religious education is chiefly concerned with building the sense of Sacred in man, teaching him of where he comes from, why he is here on earth and where he is going. Therefore, it reveals to man what he must know about God. It is a life-long process which involves fostering within every human being a growing understanding of his Creator, and relationship with Him. Again, it helps individuals to understand themselves as well as their faith and tradition, and appreciates the faith and traditions of others. It heightens each individual's commitment to bringing the light of their faith and to fully belive inGod and to live their lives accorfind to Islamic teachings. God has clearly told us what is wrong and what is right it depend on us to chose our way. And our social and moral values help us to chose our way of life.

Today the world is full of bad people who are always ready to miss guide you and lead you to the wrong path but its our values which will help you to go towards the right path. If you have strong moral values you will never be miss guided so moral values are important in creating a responsible individual. From the above, we conclude that religion deals with the development of the person in relation to awareness of where he comes from, and the understanding of different beliefs, values and practices.

Moral education is the process through which an individual develops proper attitudes and behaviors toward others in the society, based on social and cultural norms, rules, and laws.thus developing his thinking skills of moral judgment about what is right and wrong and rational judgment about difficult matters. It influences an individual on how he thinks, feels and acts regarding issues of right and wrong. Therefore, the moral feature of human act is based mainly on what action is right and what is wrong. For this reason it is very important to gradually tutor children on how to make the right choices from the beginning of their lives, and help them to exercise their freedom in a responsible manner. Moral education also helps them to begin to appreciate common values such as honesty, liberty, justice, fairness and respect for others. Moral education, then, helps children acquire those moral habits that will help them individually live good lives and at the same time become productive to the nation. It therefore, contributes not only to the students as individuals, but also to the social pulling together of a nation or community. Again, it is an education of the will whereby the will of man is educated to embrace the good proposed by the right reason and avoid that which is detrimental to his becoming a noble man. This involves the development of man in his set conduct, aspect, tendencies and affections. Finally, Francis Arinze said:
“Moral education not based on dogma and supported by ritual soon proves itself inadequate and unable to carry a person through moments of great crisis.”

An individls life greatly depends on what is feed to him thorough out his life. His whole life reflects what is feed to him his cultures his moral values and his traditions. So your attitude your behavior towards issues shows your values and your family background.

Religious and Moral values and National Development lies in the relationship between the individual and national development. When citizens are developed, the nation is implicitly developed. Intellectual and moral poverty of the citizens is the greatest poverty that any nation can suffer. It is therefore true that the primary object of religious and moral value is individuals, in developing them, the nation as a whole is developed. Religious and Moral values contributes significantly in the development of a nation. To be precise most African countries have gained greatly by the effort of religious and moral values in those early days; when there were no armed robbers, when one could travel in the night without fear of molestation, when villages were safe even though they had no police stations which are now in every corner. When kings reigned and ruled, when the village customary courts were the court of last resort as it were. Today, many people are afraid that we stand the risk of destroying those excellent values and descending to the abyss of moral decadence. Religious and moral values has played and still plays a positive role in a nation’s development, in regard to economic growth, health, education, management of natural resources, peace building and governance, to mention etc. Without the close collaboration of religion and develop.

Countries who have not forgotten there values are developing rapidly. nations who stick to their religion are happy and the youth is also living a healthy life. If we take the example of our own homes we see if the family is modern and there children’s will live a liberal and modern life because these are there values and if your family is religious and traditional you will be different from the modern ones. but on the same time we are Muslims and are living in an Islamic state we all have some values and traditions which are necessary for the creation of a healthy youth. if we stick to what is taught to us throughout our lives we will defiantly live a happy and normal life.

There was a time when youth was going away from their culture and moral values and many nations faced many problems because of it but know as the history is repeating itself youngsters are greatly attracted from cultural thing and moral values they are starting to understand their religion and wanted to know about their norms their roots there origination.

Schools universities have special education sections on cultural grooming from the very starting they start feeding the child about his reason of creation his roots his moral and social values so when he or she will step into their life’s they will be able to live a life according to their build attitudes and moral and social values. Religious moral and social values develops people’s social skills, qualities, attitudes and characteristics such as respect, tolerance and a willingness to get involved. With these characteristics young people are enabled to relate themselves successfully through an understanding that they are one family, one nation. Surely this helps people to play a full and fulfilling part in the community and society. It also helps to solve some of the nation’s pressing social problems, such as youth delinquency, drug addiction, cultism, examination malpractices, bribery and corruption, and other evil that hinders the growth of a nation.

If we want to live in healthy surroundings we must understand our social values as said that young people makes nation so if the youth will fully understand their social values there will be less disturbance in the society and every one could live a healthy life. Understanding your values and to how to spend your life on those values is very important for youngsters because there are te future of the state and the next generation will be depending on them.

Religious moral and social values helps the youth to take an thoughtful view of what is right and wrong, to recognize the needs and interests of others as well as themselves. It assists people to develop characteristics such as truthfulness, kindness, unselfish attitudes and commitments to virtues. All these encourage people to reflect on the value of living in ways that respect the well-being and rights of each person. As Religion encourages open minded attitudes to cultural and religious diversity. It encourages man to value and participate creatively in his own culture and the cultures of others by developing his appreciation of the arts, sport, music, travel and other aspects of culture. Hence, cultural development makes man to participate in diverse varieties of cultural life for the enrichment of the man and his community. It contributes to education of responsible, active and intellectual persons which helps man to be responsible for his own and other people's life, responsible thinking about his own future, responsible for his own decisions, behavior and actions and to acquire a responsible use of freedom. Religious moral and social values educate encourages man to be responsible and care about his neighbor, responsible and respect for his parents, responsible in the family, and responsible in preparation for his own family life. All these gears toward development of the nation, without the full and integral development. There will be chaos in the nation. Another value that religious moral and social values promote is patriotism; love for one’s nation which advocates for oneness and unity of purpose, and peace. Religious practice benefits individuals, families, communities, and thus the nation as a whole. The practice of it improves health, academic achievement, and economic well-being.

Religious moral and social values has a positive impact on national development and specially its youth it shapes the nation to a greater development, especially when persons are formed to respect human dignity, care about the welfare of others and demonstrate integrity and social responsibilities, reflect on moral issues and seek peaceful resolution of conflict. Religious and moral values will then serve as a strong foundation to cultivate national responsibility for every individual and consequently to national development. It develops man’s purpose in life and inculcates moral virtues such as honesty, obedience, truthfulness and respect in man.

History tells us that how important these values are to us how these values make hero’s out of men. the key to healthy and successful life is ti grip your values and norms and follow the and live a healthy life.

About the Author: Fatima Read More Articles by Fatima: 2 Articles with 1068 viewsCurrently, no details found about the author. If you are the author of this Article, Please update or create your Profile here.