Knowledge, Islam and Muslim

(Syed Manazir-ul-Haq, Karachi)

When we analyze the basic concept of the birth of human beings it comes to our knowledge that fundamental idea and essential purpose of the beginning of man is to recognize Allah, follow all His instructions in its true spirit so that the real success is got and humanity could reach to the climax. For real success of human beings Allah has blessed to His slaves by way of descending thousands Prophets who performed their roles in their ages and gave knowledge to human beings and other with the orders of Allah so that His slaves could succeed by His blessings and by obeying His instructions only for their welfare, interest and strength otherwise Allah is totally “Independent” and if all creatures of the Universe and beyond the Universe disobey Him His unlimited sovereignty, unity and greatness would never be affected or hurt even in tiny way as He is the Lord of Universe and beyond the Universe, “Malik” of DoomsDay and “Malik” of each and every things.
There are two core revelations in Islam and if human beings follow the teachings of these two basic revelations they could get real satisfaction also humanity could reach to the peak as Islam much stresses upon humanity as it addresses all human beings including “Jin” (invisible creature). The period of revelation spans almost 23 years from 610 to 633 CY.
The first revelation which descended upon the Prophet Muhammad (S) was regarding knowledge and by way of this revelation Allah has given four messages to man. First believe in only Allah, believe in DoomsDay and to seek knowledge with the help of Allah. The man who does not try to get knowledge disobeys the rule of Allah. The 2nd is that “man” is created with three components i.e. soil, water and condensed blood and live-creation through these materials is evidently impossible but Allah has converted “impossibility” to “possibility” by way of His unlimited powers. The 3rd is that Allah is so kind and if it were not all disobeyed beings would have been killed at once over their sins. It tells us that we should always seek His blessing and thank to Allah for His unlimited blessings also blessing is absolutely kindness of Allah but curse and blights are the consequences of man’s bad deeds. It is also learned from the Holy Quran that when “Man” tries seriously and constantly for acquiring a thing Allah gives that but his struggles would be evaluated. The fourth is to impart and distribute knowledge to others which is beneficial for human beings. One who having knowledge does not impart beneficial knowledge to others disobeys the law of Allah. Through first revelation Allah has given the following teachings to human beings:-
i) They must believe in Only Allah and DoomsDay without arguing and do good deeds as Allah has descended knowledge for His slaves. Also they must control all their ill-desires and selfishness and not make them their Lord.
ii) They must seek favorable knowledge and impart it to others
iii) They must seek help from only Allah and not bow down before human beings
iv) They should show kindness to their relatives and other beings
v) They should help the poor and needy people
vi) They should give share to have-nots and depressed people within their income
vii) They should cordially receive and respect the guest
viii) They must support those people who are needy but never ask for any help

Through 2nd revelation Allah has given the following teachings to human beings:-
i) They should describe the greatness of Allah all the times by observing the essence of prayers
ii) They warn people that their faith and deeds must be evaluated in the Big Day in which un-believers, doing injustices people & having ill-desires and followers of false illusion would certainly be punished sternly.
iii) They always thank to Allah and confess His blessings
iv) They keep neat and clean to their body, soul and clothes and their surroundings by all means
v) They should show patience and through patience and thankfulness seek the help of Allah
vi) They should support and favor the people only for the consent of Allah not for any self-benefits and forgive them despite having the strength to take revenge.
vii) They should respect the rights of their neighbors

The above revelations are essence of Islam and when we analyze these basic two revelations which were descended upon the Holy Prophet Muhammad (S) it has come to our knowledge that Islam stresses upon humanity but simultaneously it emphasizes its followers to kill the deliberate killer or punish the ill-doers as it leads to peace and tranquility in the society. It is witnessed that where killer and terrorists are not hanged up and ill-doers are not punished there no peace is existed over there. Further, it is fact that common people of western countries have misconception regarding Islam as they are taught that Islam boosts up terrorism and followers of Islam are terrorists. But it is not fact if it had been the Prophet Muhammad (S) would have given order to kill all his enemies when he captured Makka by blessing of Allah but he even pardoned his deadly enemies like Abu Sufyan, his wife and others owing to them he had to face a lot of difficulties by way of migration and properties’ lost as well as missing of his followers. Imagine if any other person were in place of Muhammad (S) he certainly would have quenched his thirst with the blood of his enemies and never absolved them at any cost. It shows that Islam teaches kindness, sympathy, gentleness and helps out in creating a peaceful and harmonious society through true justice and rule of law which is equal from bottom to top level people. If western people want to see the true aspect of Islam they must study the Holy Quran and characteristic of Muhammad (S) in an unprejudiced way.

It has also been observed that Muslims in all over the world are far from majority teachings of Allah. They orally believe in only Allah and DoomsDay but generally do not observe good deeds and justice because in fact their hearts do not hold their words. They do not seek favorable knowledge and impart it to others. Generally do not keep the body, soul, clothes and their surroundings neat and clean. Do not show honesty and integrity. Do not show patience and thankfulness and do not seek help from Allah through these two elements. They read out “Namaz” (prayer of Muslim) but do not observe its essence and do not establish it. Do not favor the people and never show kindness only for the consent of Allah. It is established fact that due to lack of knowledge, integrity and uprightness they are forced to lead slavery life and always bow down before the western countries. We observe that the essence of the teachings of Islam is existed in the western countries by way of seeking knowledge, honesty, justice, cleanliness, caring attitude and above all help, respect and favor of the creature of Allah. Owing to these characteristics they are ruling and flourishing and they dominate until they hold on justice. They would fall when they leave justice or their Society is totally ruined due to their extremely immoral attitudes and nudeness.

Muslims must analyze themselves and try to remove their deficiencies by observing the instructions of Allah and His Prophet. They should avoid back-biting also shun criticizing others and in this way they can mend their attitudes and behaviors by way of true justice in all walks of life. They should make understand others by way of prudent attitudes and polite talking and if they do not hold their good advices they should not get angry because their duty is only to convey the message of Allah to others and “faith and belief” is granted by only Allah. They should also remember that conflicts in this world will remain unless the DoomsDay is established because virtues and sins are integral parts of this world if “sins” were not originated “man” and “Jin” (invisible creature) would also have not been created in the world.

Muslims must try to convert themselves from “Muslim” to “Momin” (true believer) by way of knowledge and faith by heart because “Knowledge and true belief” are the ascending points of “Momin” and with the help of Allah and knowledge “Momin” can capture the Day. Contrary it is possible that in the DoomsDay too Muslims had to repent over their attitudes by observing others because only “Oral Faith” is nothing unless “believing” is ensured by heart because it is proved by the Holy Quran that “Munafiqeen” (unbelievers / infidels) had oral belief and offered prayers too but their prayers and belief had not been admitted by Allah and His Prophet. May Allah help Muslims but remember Allah helps those who help themselves.

Syed Manazir-ul-Haq
About the Author: Syed Manazir-ul-Haq Read More Articles by Syed Manazir-ul-Haq: 117 Articles with 123087 views I belong to syed family and fond of traveling from place to place. .. View More