Reason Of Illiteracy

(Faraz Raees, Lahore)

If we search in our past then we find that all the politicians who came in the politics they ignore the importance of education. Their preference always remained construction of bridges, decoration of cities etc. If they implied the education emergency in country then the condition of education must be much better then today and Pakistan may be stands in the line of developed countries. Although we have lot of talent in our country but the need in that to inform, persuade, suggest and to present our talent to the developed countries. Some time the talented childes feel hesitation due to lack of knowledge about the language of different countries specially the most common language of the world(English). Government of Pakistan spend lot of budget of the country in uneconomic activities but they keep the budget for education less then 2% instead of 5% or more. The condition of the educational institution in the urban areas may satisfied to us but if we goes in the rural areas they have lack of schools, colleges and universities. In the villages parents have no desire to provide the education (which is basic requirement of the day) to their childes. So the kids of villages remains poor and vicious circle of illiteracy goes to start again. According to the recent survey more then 50% kids of Pakistan are illiterate today. Government is sleeping because they have no tension about the future of country's children. One of the more reason of illiteracy in the country is that the kids of politicians are getting education in the foreign countries so they do not feel need of improving the stander of education in the Country. Besides it the funds which is provided by the friends countries they never spend in the improvement of stander of education they eats such funds and fill their bellies with the fire of hell.

Muhammad Faraz
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