Memorandum Of Protest & Agitation

(Dr Muhammad Ashraf Asif Jalali, Lahore)

Memorandum Of Protest & Agitation In Connection With Hateful Frivolity In Satricial Magazine Of Paris

1. In this darkest hour of an international chaos, we the Muslims of Pakistan raise our voices against the biggest form of terrorism & aggression of West against the Muslim nations mentioned as the everyday blasphemies committed by the western media to hurt the feelings of 02 billion Muslims.

2. The scenario is again being misinterpreted as the shootout occurred in Paris is a consequence of the blasphemies committed by the western media to sore the hearts of Muslims. More than 05 billion blasphemous depict have been published by now.

3. The satirical magazine named Charlie Hebdo, funded by the anti-Muslim entities, published the sketches/ posters of our most sacred religious figure, our Prophet P.B.U.H which resulted in this dreadful incident as no single Muslim can and will tolerate the blasphemy against the greatest embodiment of mercy for the mankind. This shameful incident was again repeated on Wednesday, 14 January, 2015 when the 700,000 copies of the said sacrilegious cartoon carried magazine were printed

4. We, as Muslims, believe in nobility of every Prophet without any discrimination and according to our teachings, the blasphemy against any messenger of Allah must be strictly condemned and the accused must be dealt with iron hands. It has become the culture of the west to mock the sacred personalities by making their sketches and speaks whatever they like to express about them whereas we are given strict standards while talking about them and special emphasis is laid upon maintaining the decorum in this respect. Keeping it in view, neither Muslim would dare to practice his ‘Freedom of Speech’, nor he would allow anyone else to run amuck.

5. On this occasion, we demand that the western society must correct their parameters for the freedom of expression and impose censorship on print & electronic media to stop the blasphemies against our religious figures rather than to protect their stance by providing them sufficient support, as announced by the U.K & U.S governments yesterday.

6. The president of the United State in his address to U.N defended the freedom of expression by giving a vague examples but we , the Muslims like to make him realize that blasphemy of U.S President or ay state law and the blasphemy of any Prophet are not the same as they have their own standards and intensity. If U.S President is condemned/ criticized, it will hurt his feelings or somehow the members of his family or cabinet but the blasphemy against the Prophet of all Mankind not only invites the wrath of Allah Almighty but also hurts the feelings of 02 billions of Muslims all over the world who are united as a Nation under Allah & Prophet Muhammad P.B.U.H.

7. It has been observed with serious concern that the series of blasphemies is still continue as during the processions and rallies, the said blasphemous posters are carried which is not less provocative to take harsh measures against the responsible. If the U.S & U.N wants the peace to be spread over his land and on the globe as well, they must bring to an end the state terrorism & aggression against Muslim Nations and especially by imposing censorship to check blasphemies of the west against the sacred religious personalities of every nation without any discrimination and we, as the vanguard, shall shed the last drop of our blood to protect the honor of Prophet Muhammad P.B.U.H.

Dr Muhammad Ashraf Asif Jalali
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