Devine unity of God

(Farrukh Hassan, chicago)

Salamun alekum wa rehmatullah.
Does we believe on Allah like this:
If we are going on highway at 70 mph and the exit we have to get off is a mile away. The sign says (let say) Belmont Ave 1 mile, we are keep going in a same speed than another sign says Belmont ave is 1/2 mile we still have same speed than last sign says Belmont ave 1/4 mile we didn't use brakes than finally we see the arrow now we have to get off at the ramp. Now we use the brakes to slow down (am i rite, we all exp. every single day) did one of us ever think that check the brakes a mile away from exit or 1/2 mile, no never that's how we belief on (man made) brakes.

If we have same believe on Allah we don't have to worry in life ever. Please try one of your daily life issues inshAllah you will be so happy.
iltemas e dua.

Farrukh Hassan
About the Author: Farrukh Hassan Read More Articles by Farrukh Hassan: 2 Articles with 1651 viewsCurrently, no details found about the author. If you are the author of this Article, Please update or create your Profile here.