The blesssings of ramadan

(Shamsa Sajjad, Lahore)

The month of Ramadan is approaching-the holy month of continuous Blessings and Mercy of Allah Almighty toward his creation. The month of Ramadan is the world's most widespread month. It's teachings and blessings are countless. Fasting makes us rediscover all that is alive around us, and reconcile ourselves with our environment.
The word Ramadan is derived from the Arabic word ramida or ar-ramad which means scorching heat or dryness. The month of Ramadan is the ninth month of the Islamic calendar. It is the month of fasting for Muslims all over the world. The month of Ramadan is very special and sacred month in which Allah (SWT) showers his countless blessings, love, kindness and mercy toward His people. The blessed month of Ramadan has been divided in 3 parts or Ashra. The first ten days are of mercy, second ten days are of forgiveness and the last ten days of emancipation or being freed from Hell. Lailatul Qadr the night of power or the night of decree is expected in the last ten days of the Holy month. In the same very month The Holy Qur'an was , revealed as a guidance for humanity, as a clear proof of that guidance, and as a criterion for distinguishing between right and wrong. Suratul Baqra (2: 185)

Qur'an is also a Huda (a guidance). And as Huda - as true guidance - it teaches us how to live as complete human beings. Qur'an is a complete code of life .It teaches us how to live our lives with respect, dignity, honor and love. It further teaches us that Allah Ta'ala is a divinity who embraces the concerns of all humanity. He is the Creator, the Initiator and the Designer. So in this month of spiritual excitement Muslim spend most of their times in remembrance of Allah and reciting the Glorious Qur'an despite the complications of modern life.

Spiritually, Ramadan burns out the sins with good deeds, as the sun burns the ground. As the sand and the stones are receptive to the sun's heat and the heat helps shape, form and mold virtually every matter including metal, plastic, plants and living cells - Ramadan undoubtedly helps (a serious believer) to remold, reshape, reform and renew our physical and spiritual nature and behaviour.

Moreover, Ramadan is the month of patience and reward. In this month the Rizq (daily bread) of Muslims is increased and Mercy and Blessings of Allah (SWT) continuously descend upon us. Ramadan is the most important month of the year , the believers await this month impatiently and with eagerness. This is the month that is the best of all months in the eyes of Allah Ta'aIa. It's days are the best of the day, it's nights are the best of the nights, it's hours are the best of the hours. Abu Hurairah (RA) Messenger of Allah (may peace be upon him) said: "when there comes the month of Ramadan, the gates of mercy are opened, and the gates of Hell are locked and the devils are chained.
( Al- Bukhari )
Allah says about the fasting person, "He has left his food, drink and desires for My sake. The fast is for Me and I'll reward him (the fasting person) and the reward of his good deeds is multiplied by ten times. Qur'an says about Ramadan: "O you who believed fasting is prescribed to you as it was prescribed to those before you that you may ( learn ) self-restraint (Taqwa )
( 2: 183 )
There are certain reasons behind every single act in Islam. Salaat for instance is a daily training for purifying the believers' heart and soul. Fasting on the other hand is an annual training for the body and soul a renewal of life, encouraging the spirit of sharing and giving.
Advantages/ Benefits of Ramadan
Fasting has uncountable advantages/benefits and can rid a scores of disorders and ailments which can otherwise affect one's health badly. Following are the various benefits of fasting:
1-It's a safe way to lose weight through fasting - a set numbers of hours of fasting allows the body to burn through fat cells in a more effective way than a regular dieting. Many athletes keep fast just to hit low body fat percentages for competitions.
2-Fasting has positive effect on insulin sensitivity, helps you to bear carbohydrates (sugar) in a better way than if you don't fast. A study shows that after a certain time period of fasting, insulin gets more effective for body cells to take up glucose from blood.
3-Intermittent fasting gives rest to digestive system and strengthen metabolism to burn through calories more effectively. This is the way fasting regulates digestion and improves metabolic function.
4-It is an admitted fact , the less you eat the longer you live and your digestive system takes less toil.
5-Fasting helps to regulate the hormones in the body. In this way you can experience what true hunger is. The longer you fast, the more your body can regulate to release the correct hormones and when hormones are working properly you get quicker.
6-Fasting improves your eating pattern and you can establish a set time for eating and consume calories accordingly.
7-Fasting improves brain function, for it boosts the production of a protein called brain-derived neurotrophic factors (BDNF )
BDNF activates brain stem cells to convert into new neurons, and triggers numerous other chemicals that promote neural health. This protein also protects brain cells from changes associated with Alzheimer's and Parkinson's diseases.
8-Fasting improves immune system because it reduces free radical damage, regulates inflammatory conditions in the body and starves of cancer cell formation.
When animals get sick they don't eat and focus on rest instead. This reduces stress on their internal system and their body fights off infection. Humans on the hand are the only species who look for food and eat more when they are ill, although they don't need it.
9-Fasting helps people feel more connected to life. There is capacity for more energy in the body with no food in the digestive system. Fasting for self -enlightenment allows us to feel better both consciously and physically. With a lighter body and a clearer mind we are more aware and thankful to Allah Almighty for the things around us.

In Islamic perspective too fasting has innumerable advantages like:
1- You learn Taqwa. Taqwa is fearing Allah Ta'ala .It's practicing the Revelation of Allah and accepting the blessings and things you have achieved. Taqwa is preparing yourself for the world Hereafter. It's self-discipline, self-control, self-restraint, self-education, self-evaluation etc., By accepting and practicing these a Muslim can achieve Taqwa both in his private and social life.
2- Avoiding immorality, anger, uproar, stupidity, makrooh, mashbooh, haram, etc in the state of fasting. Preventing these things you can be a good citizen.
3-In Paradise there is a door called Al-Rayyan. This door in the Paradise is meant for the fasting Muslims. Only those who fasted in the month of Ramadan will enjoy the bliss of Paradise inside that area.
4-There are two types of rejoices for the Muslims who fast. They are:
-When breaking fast
-When meeting Allah Almighty on the day of judgment.
5-Dua is accepted by Allah at Iftar time.
6-Blessings of Sahoor or late night meal gives the opportunity for night prayers, Zikr, Remembrance of Allah (SWT), Contemplation, recitation of Holy Quran, Fajr Salaat in Jamaat and dua of Fajr.
7-Whoever performs Night Prayers with great devotion, sincerity and good intention will receive forgiveness of his past mistakes.
8- Ihya-In the last ten days of Ramadan a Muslim who makes this type of effort will get rewards, forgiveness, and multiples of blessing.
9-Itikaf (Retreat) A Muslim who performs in Itikaf during the last ten days of Ramadan will get blessings and rewards, peace of mind, contemplation and evaluation. He'll also become a better citizen.
10-Lailatul Qadr (The Night of Power) Lailatul Qadr is better than 1000 months and whoever observes it with sincerity and good intention will get these benefits:
-His previous sins and all mistakes will be forgiven. He'll be blessed by Allah Almighty. His prayers will be granted ,he'll be better human being as well.
11-Zakat is one of the five pillars of Islam, mandatory for all Muslims .It is a form of obligatory, aims giving and religious tax in Islam. In Ramadan Muslims are supposed to pay Zakat on specific amount and gold. Through Zakat money is circulated among poor and needy. We are safeguarded by all hardships and troubles and our money is protected as well.
12- Zakat al-Fitrah (Charity on Eid Day)
The benefits of paying this charity on Eid day to the poor and the needy are tremendous.
13- One get rid of monotony of life by changing the lifestyle during this month. You share hunger, thirst and rituals with others in the society.
14- Umrah in Ramadan is equal to one Hajj (pilgrimage) with Prophet Muhammad (PBUH).
15- Muslims throughout their history received many benefits in this month, like :
1- Battle of Badr
2- Battle of Khandaq
3- Opening of Makkah
4- Battle of Tabuk
5- Tariq Ibn Ziyad opened Europe
6- Salahuddin liberated Jerusalem from the Crusaders
7- Egypt and Israel, 1973- Egyptians kicked the Israelis out of Egypt during Ramadan the
month of fasting etc.,
16- Learning lessons from historical incidents that happened during Holy Ramadan, eg,
1- Wafaat of Hazrat Khadijah (AS)
2- Wiladat of Imam Hassan bin Ali (AS)
3- Shadat of Imam bin Abi Talib (AS)
4- Youm-al-Quds.

One month of Ramadan,
4 weeks of barkat,]
30 days of forgiveness,
720 hours of guidance,
43200 minutes of purification,
2592000 seconds of Noor.
I wish the light that we celebrate during Ramadan show us the way and lead us on the path of peace and social harmony.
May Allah bless and Protect you (Amen)

Shamsa Sajjad
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