Scuttling the Mental Capacity

(Shakir Mumtaz , )

Surah Sad 38, V26, 27
And it was said unto him; O David, Lo! We have set thee as a viceroy in the earth; therefore judge aright between mankind, and follow not desire that beguile thee from the way of God. Lo! Those who wander from the way of Allah have an awful Doom, forasmuch as they forgot the day or reckoning (26). We created not the heaven and the earth and all that is in between them in vain. That is the opinion of those who disbelieve. And woe unto those who disbelieve in the hell fire! (In the hereafter)

Surah Al Mumin 40, V-10
It was announced by the clearest of the proclamation that our abhorrence----for those who were invited to believe but refused----is more terrible, than the abhorrence you have for one and another.

Human-beings use about 2 to3% of the brain potential; which is roughly about 2000 images/frames per second.
Eintstein----a genius----reportedly used up to 5 to 7 %

In fact human brain is capable of
400—---million-------billion per second Impressions/movements/frames

When Atheist/Deniers/Deviants refuse to contemplate about God, Belief & Religion, Reward & Punishment they scuttle its use even further hence the mental illnesses sets in.

Shakir Mumtaz
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