(Javed Zaheer, Toronto)

TORONTO: Because of the devil, evil temptations, distractions, distortions, crises, calamities, cruelties, conspiracies, exploitation, discrimination, racism and terrorism will never end in the world but keep increasing and people will keep suffering and facing tough challenges, difficulties, miseries, deaths and destruction.

Our duty and responsibility as normal, responsible and good human beings is to prepare ourselves and all others for a mission with a vision to create proper awareness and understanding to help, support, serve and save humanity and ensure peace and happiness in reality.

I am over 62 now and in my personal and over 45 years of professional activities I admit that I faltered a lot and committed many mistakes and sins but at the same time I always tried to remain positive, constructive and supportive to help others. I might have but I always tried to never harm or hurt anyone intentionally.

Few years back, when I got the inspiration and guidance from the divine messages in holy book Quran, which are also common in the original holy books Bible, Torah and scrolls of the same God, I came to know the main purpose of my life---Serve Humanity In Reality---and decided to continue whatever little good I was thinking or doing as my mission and vision. This is what made me choose the motto: Serve Humanity In Reality (SHIR).

What was till now my purpose and motto (SHIR), I am giving my efforts, struggle, dream, mission and vision a shape of a platform---SHIR International Network. All like-minded persons, whether known or unknown, and in any part of the world with the same mindset, dream, mission and vision or thinking and doing any good in any way are welcome to join my SHIR Team. The SHIR Team leaders may belong to any religion, caste, creed, community, country, group, field and profession but their aim will only be to work for the common noble cause: Serve Humanity In Reality. That is the beauty of SHIR. It will help unite all by ending differences and divisions and promoting love and respect.

Whether one likes it or not or wants it or not but SHIR Team will act like a magnet to attract and unite all like-minded persons on a common platform with a common cause. Why it is extremely important to support and promote the SHIR Team? Because it is our duty and responsibility to serve, protect and save humanity in reality.

Wherever they are, they can start playing their role and proudly claim and introduce themselves as SHIR Team Leaders. My job is to share this precious gift or divine blessing of God with all so that all can benefit greatly. In fact it was and is the job of all since the creation of mankind. The need is to keep doing it and keep reminding others to do it. It’s a never ending task, struggle and mission. It’s expiry date is death day or doomsday.

Since I consider my idea and motto SHIR as a divine blessing therefore I am founding the SHIR International Network in Toronto, Canada, and am fully confident that whether I remain or not maximum number of people would join, support and promote the SHIR Team in all possible ways and at all times to make and maintain it as a powerful platform from where all people would be served and humanity saved in reality.

Only the will and commitment of the person to become part of SHIR Team is needed. Becoming SHIR Team Leader will be based on belief, trust and confidence in each other and the purpose, mission and vision. Then only the purpose and mission could be accomplished successfully. It is the cause which is most important.

The objective of SHIR International Network is to serve and save humanity in reality in all possible ways, by all possible means and in all parts of the world. It begins right from the SHIR Team Leader’s life, home and family and extends to including relatives, companions, friends, community and society.

Since the focus is on humanity therefore the SHIR Team will have no borders and boundaries. It will help like-minded people to understand, like, love, respect and support each other and unite and commit to live and work together, serve all and bring peace and happiness. It will teach and help us to become and remain really normal, responsible and good human beings and true leaders.

Evil temptations and dark angels are the biggest hurdles in attempts to serve humanity in reality. They keep targeting the focus on the cause to loosen the control and cause distraction. Despite this, I am struggling very hard and always trying to be good but am sure that SHIR International Network Team would produce really great people and leaders to help make this world wonderful, beautiful and a safe place for all in reality.

Only the mindset, wish, will, consent and commitment are needed to become SHIR Team Leaders. Nobody will come to our help and support unless we decide to help and support ourselves, our near and dear ones and then all. Conspirators, exploiters, hypocrites and such like-minded elements will try to infiltrate, hijack and sabotage SHIR International Network. We have to remain fully alert. Canada and Canadians deserve appreciation and special thanks for the tremendous help, support, encouragement, environment, freedom and facilities provided. Without this, SHIR International Network would have remained only a dream.

About the Author: JAVED ZAHEER Read More Articles by JAVED ZAHEER: 63 Articles with 53358 views Proud to be a Pakistani & Canadian. Born in Karachi, Pakistan in 1952. Both parents from Lucknow, UP, India. Still have near and dear ones (Sisters, n.. View More