(Anum Naeem, karachi)

At present, the kite flying is very common. Almost every person knows how to fly a kite with the passage of time, kite flying is becoming more & more common. The rich & the poor equally like it.

It is popular past time with boys especially in Lahore even elderly people indulge in this game very keen competition are held. Sometimes serious accident takes place despite it, the game is becoming more popular. Its also an act to make kites. They are made of thin paper & bamboo-sticks. A thread is passed through two points then its tied to form loop . To this loop is tied the string coated with powdered glass. The kite -filer holds this strings in his hand & kite is let off in the air. When the wind glows the kite flies & the thread is loosened. It rises higher & higher till it becomes steady . When the string of two kites cross eachother & get entangled 7 interesting situation arises. Each side tries to cut the other strings. When the string rubs against the other a strange sensation is produced. When one kite is cut off it is followed by a crowd of eager spectator who try to catch it . Sometimes many scuffles take place over it. Everybody is after the cut off kite . On the whole , kite flying itself is not bad . The way are you behave is not encouraging. This game must be held in only open areas. In this way , everybody will enjoy more.

Anum Naeem
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