Ideology of Pakistan, Statement of the State and Terrorism

(mudassir abbas, Lahore)

Since the creation of Pakistan, a specific group has been involved in rupturing the ideology of Pakistan. Whenever any problem in Pakistan raises or created by, this group names the base of these problems as Ideology itself. In objective Resolution (1949), Pakistan was accepted as a religious state and not a secular or democratic state which results in, unfortunately, diminishing the protection of minorities and after that the promoting of culture of Jihad by dictators and that's the reason. The state cannot satisfy neighbour countries. Some people think that Ideology of state is wrong which should be changed and other perceive that this ideology should be banned at all at every level and to the crum. As far as, the changing of ideology is concerned, it starts from Musharraf's era (2001) where foreign policy and way to control internal matters for Pakistan were totally changed from its track. Now, after 15 years, some bureaucrats and others are involved in dong this. But, some people go beyond their limits which want to abrogate the Ideology of Pakistan and ban at every level. These people aim at imbroglio and turmoil. But they don't know that by banning or changing the Ideology, Pakistan will be captured by some extremists. The one who wants to ban the ideology then latter will negate the teachings of ISIS and Taliban etc. Actually they don't want the system of "Khilafat" whose irritation was observed by Bush and Tony Blair. In subcontinent, political awareness among people was raised by Khilafat Movement. Leaders like Johar brothers and Gandhi were gathered against British rule and they all got awareness in this movement. 80% people like the system of Khilafat in whole Muslim world. Democracy always antagonistic to Islam as observed by Iqbal. Procreation of states in 1920 annihilate the boundaries and European gathers on the basis of currency which is not objectionable but if Muslim gather then Western claim that they are now demanding Khilafat which is objectionable by latter. Actually Khalifat is like a dream today in which Muslim first become ummat and then human. Quran, too, has not stated the whole humanity as one ummat. Communist fight with democratic countries from Vietnam to Chili in 200 years. Their ideology had been banned but now they are still existent. Corporate culture considers communist as a danger for world but this culture is based on banking and interest system and this system should also be banned as stated by the group. 40% people go to bank unwillingly and rest has even not entered in banks. If, conversation of interest will be finished then this group will demand to not to read Quran and ultimately this group will finish one's Iman which is actually mission of Western states and America.

mudassir abbas
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