PIA Cabin Crew didn’t participate in the in Peshawar

(Musarrat Ullah Jan, Peshawar)

Peshawar 4 February 4, 2016 The Air hostess of Pakistan international airline didn’t participate in a strike in Peshawar; even PIA employees participate daily in the Peshawar Booking office regularly.

After the federal government announcement of the privatization of PIA, employees start protest from 26 January 2016 and its till continue in Peshawar office, but after the Karachi incident, in which two PIA persons were shot dead during protest.

More than 600 Hundreds Employees of Peshawar office working in Peshawar office, they also stopped the work on Bacha Khan Airport Peshawar & Booking office Peshawar. Daily they start strike in the premises of the Peshawar Booking office and they shouted “Go Nawaz GO “during the protest. A different political group including Peoples unity & Air league members also participate in Protest at Booking office Peshawar.

The strange thing of PIA employees that Cabin Crew of Pakistan International Airline belongs from Peshawar didn’t participate in strike in protest, mostly Air Hostess and Stewards didn’t come to the PIA office to attend the protest.

According to the PIA official more than 150 Cabin crews were belong from KP, and they were working on different domestic and international Flights. 80 Air Hostess belong from Peshawar, they also on strike and didn’t come to work and they were stay at home and didn’t come to attend the strike and protest.

On Thursday during a protest the female member assembly and leader of PPP Nighat Aurkzai anger over the attitude of Air Hostess and Stewards, she visited the PIA Protest and meet with the PIA Employees Union. MPA Nighat Aurkzai asked from Steward and said “ where is your Air Hostess “, why they didn’t participate in a protest of PIA, the Steward replied that he will call to the Air Hostess to participate in the protest. MPA Nighat Aurkzai Replied that we stand for the PIA Employees but Air Hostess didn’t participate in protest, why we are not women.

They are only female. When asked about the Air Hostess Participation in protest the Press Secretary of Peoples Unity Seemab said that Situation of our province is not better for Female that’s why “ Air Hostess didn’t come to attend the protest but they are also with us “. He said that it’s not easy for Air Hostess to participate in Protest. MPA Nighat Aurkzai is the only female participating during protest in PIA office Peshawar, since the strike started against the Privatization of PIA.

Musarrat Ullah Jan
About the Author: Musarrat Ullah Jan Read More Articles by Musarrat Ullah Jan: 668 Articles with 548030 views 47 year old working journalist from peshawar , first SAARC scholar of kp , attached with National & international media. as photojournalist , writer ,.. View More