HOW TO Defeat the System

(fazeel imtiaz, Islamabad)

"HOW TO Defeat the System"

Corruption is one of the most chronic & Long Standing issue all over world particularly in underdeveloped nations such as Pakistan where it has steered down in government foundations enough that can't be defeated of or crushed easily following the stakes of really powerful bureaucrats and corrupt politicians.

Corruption has been deep routed in veins of all levels of the sectors & institutions either private or government from top to bottom and anti-corruption institutions have badly failed to stop & severely neglected this or even reduce the ongoing dishonesty and frauds. Corruption Destroys governance and because u don’t have Governance there will be no Investment there will be no Prosperity And there will be Poverty. A System is basically an Set of Structure; Organization; Order & Arrangement of things working together & Running as parts of a mechanism In any Society from Grass root levels. Pakistan, s System has been facing a unique and difficult dilemma for quite some time. Corruptions, politicization & Self-interest of the bureaucracy, nepotism, favoritisms and sifarish have become the bane of society. Pakistan is a country where politics is a game of loot and plunder and any challenger to the status quo - even somebody with of public profile and popularity even - can be suddenly arrested and threatened with violence.

Corrupt judicial systems not only fail to comply the basic right to equality But it also misuse the system in Order to not perform its duties. Money is becoming politics& politics is becoming the Source of money the culture is full of greedy tax-eaters.

Politics always spoils institutions & Institutions which are running under the corrupt ruling head, s and Mafia’s. The Politics of Pakistan is becoming the self Interest Politics with every mean Either when somebody is Voting for his candidate In Mufadat parast or some Links which is the political Environment Dominated by Non – Progressive Elements brotherhood systems (BRADARI) of Tribal sardars , Feudal And peers..

There’s a saying that “If you want to make the mafia pay taxes, stop voting the mafia”

According to the report Of World Economic Forum The five most Difficult factors for doing business in Pakistan during 2015-2016 cited by the report are corruption, tax rates, inflation, access to financing and insufficient government bureaucracy. There is No doubt that an Unfair Tax system creates Inequality in any society by weakening and hurting the economy from the grass root level and making the people not to pay their fair amount of shares as Taxes. Which typically enables most countries like Pakistan to generate sufficient amount of revenue from taxation because these countries face a number of institutional as well as economic problems in the process of revenue generation.

There is no doubt that our biggest last but not least Enemy, the Electoral System had made our nation a slave and Submissive to a hand of exploiters. Greedy Persons and Looters who had occupied the country in the name of democracy and constitution. The ruling Mafia is digging its claws very deep day by day in our societal fiber with the back hand of some Ruling class.

So what we do how can we stop the system and the intensity of greed and corruption that has so much power in momentum

In order to find the answer we must find the true underline cause for the Fact is the selfish corrupt power and profit based groups are not the true source of the problem they are the symptoms.
So the simple solution for Pakistan will be:
1. To strengthen its Institutions such as Accountability bureau’s, police and empower them to make their own decisions without any political pressures.
2. Supremacy of law by Depoliticizing Judiciary.
3. Proper check and balance on all officials including citizens.
4. Hiring new Employees on Merit basis Merit Priority in Institutions Should be the keen interest of any state or government because without merit the country becomes intellectually dead. The nations become Stronger when we Empower Our Young Talented People
5. There should be proper ehtesab for everyone who completes the tenure of Governance No matter how big His seat was.
6. Independent sectors empowerment so that people will make their own decisions under supervisions
7. “Make the Police one of the "Highest Paid" jobs and the Induction process the most challenging Work”.
8. Not only give capital punishments to the corrupt people but also recovering all the looted wealth from corrupt people.
9. And again the most important by making the anti-Corruption Agencies more Effective and Independent.

By doing all this we cannot only make our institutions such as NAB & law enforcement agencies strong and much better but we can move on with our progress in our social and Economic factors because to defeat the system first we have to defeat the main roots of that Inefficient and ritual ridden social system because we have to remember one thing that we have to Save The State, Not Politics because something are really worth fighting for.

fazeel imtiaz
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