(sarwar, lahore)

Many Pakistanis are worried about the programs aired through Electronic Media. I wonder why the PEMRA officials, the Religious Affairs and Information Ministeries, those resposible for safeguarding the Ideology of Pakistan, the Judiciary, the Channel owners, the Chief Executives, the Anchor Persons, the Clergy, the philanthropists, and the patriot Pakistanis (I am sure most of them are Muslims) have totally closed their eyes from the on-going programs (especially during Ramzan) aired on almost every channel.

These channels, with the exception of a few, are bent upon creating disorder in our society, spoil the norms, attequette, manners, ethics, good values and religios teachings so cherished by the Pakistanis. These channels are determined to ruin every thing good we have so far. Through the "Ramzan Programs" (Aimed at more on wordly gains, less on promotion of religious teachings) every channel, barring a few, wants to become the Torch Bearer in the spread of enlightened Islam, modernism, liberalism, vulgarity, nudity, violation of set moral code of the society, promotion of anti Islam/State Feelings, through Fashion Shows, Talk Shows (Even on religious matters conducted by female Anchors having no depth of knowledge about the religious topic under discussion, putting on attractive dresses and without covering themselves properly), Commercial Ads (With vulgar scenes, cheap dialogues, shameful body language, alien background / environments and out of context ad with the product to be introduced), Sports coverage, Cultual Shows, Fashion Shows and many other such activities, and above all Dresses of Female News Readers/Anchors (There is hardly any difference in their pre-Ramzan and during the Ramzan dresses) etc.

It appears as if these Channels have fallen prey to our enemies who want that many of the practices, followed in Bharat and the West, but of which, the West is fed up, should be introduced and practiced in Pakistan. They have strong desire to snatch from us our culture, our rich past, moral values, the Ideology of Pakistan, our living Qur'an, and the Sunnah. They want us to tread the path of the liberals, the infidels, and the path of the astray, and those who earned Allah's wrath.

Since long Channel transmissions have started casting their shadows especially on our young generation - fading away Islamic values, our Islamic history, the rich past, the Ideology of Pakistan etc. The society is galloping toward a dreadful end! Can we do something? I would like to remind all of them that this Beloved Country was bestowed to us by Allah Almighty in the name of Islam - The Code of Life spelled out in the Qura'n to be followed in every sphere of life.

Every one of us has to wake up. A major overhaul of all these programs is needed. It is need of the hour that “Think Tanks” consisting of Conscientious/Patriot Electronic Media persons, outstanding Jurists, very high caliber Educationists, patriot Experts in various fields and fair and sincere but Towering Clergy, should be formed to: a) Deliberate how the the present pathetic policy followed by the Media can be overhauled. B), Prepare a list (and also keep revising it) of topics to be discussed /aired. These Think Tanks should be empowered to stop any live transmission if it is against the interest of the State/Islam. However, while constituting such “Think Tanks” the politicians, the government functionaries and the Rulers should be kept at bay, otherwise the result is obvious!! Some sane person or group of like-minded persons has to come forward to start the move. No delay!!

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