Asalam U Aleikum.
Let me first of all say some words about what I consider what education is :
"Education is an endeavor which leads us forth to (1) find, (2) realize, (3)
actualize, and (4) develop our potentially present Human Resource in such a way
that we become capable of utilizing our material and financial resources with
maximum possible efficiency and effectiveness."
1. It is the process of facilitating the learning of knowledge, skills, values,
beliefs and habits,
2. The acquired part of education comes to us through; discussion, teaching,
training and research,
3. There are two main sources of getting education; observation and
4. Education takes place when there is interaction between an educator and a
learner, and where the educator is always available for required guidance.
Let me explain some of the terms used in the above definition:
Endeavor: A planned struggle to do some thing with a clear mind and with a clear
Realize: It means that to understand, our self, our strong & weak points, our
good & bad natural and acquired personality traits,
Actualize: It means to make up mind for doing, then planning to do, ultimately
implement, in the light of constrains,
Develop: It means to pursue ways and means of Capacity Building for future in
the light of past,
Human Resources: The skills and competencies we inherit or acquire that are
capable of doing some specific tasks meant for us for making individual and
collective efforts a success,
Utilize: It means to use some thing positively for benefit, individual and/or
collective, and where net result of the use is beneficial for us as well as for
the society as a whole,
Efficiency: It means minimum wastage of resources of all kinds,
Effectiveness: It means that as much as possible, the things should be targeted
towards what we have already set.
Now let us turn to aims, goals, objectives, and targets of education:
Aims: These are the broadest in nature and set for over all. Here we want to try
to fulfill all individual and social needs & desires. They may be physical,
mental. spiritual, moral, social or global in nature,
Goals: Goals come under aims. An aims can be subdivided in different goals. In
the context of education by goals we mean to equip the learner with (1)
Knowledge, (2) Skills, (3) Understanding and (4) Attitudes in such a way that he
can play an effective role in this 21st century for the accomplishment of aim of
Objectives: These are basically the subdivision of goal. They can be elaborated
as; (1) to conceptualize the academic learning achievements, (2) to enable the
learner to express himself orally, in writing and at work, those learning
achievements, (3) to enable the learner to do individually and also as part of a
Targets: These are the ultimate subdivision. and now we are ready for
implementation. If we achieve targets, we achieve objective; If we achieve
objectives, we achieve goal; If we achieve goals, we achieve the aim.