Our approach to values
education is to train students to think about values on their own to train them
in the process of valuing and thinking .when we set before children the task of
comparing two or more entities, the thinking process is initiated in acquiring
facts about similarity and differences .this is the step towards weighing
similarities and differences in preparation for the step of choosing involves
values. (Louise, E.RATHS, University of Massachusetts).True education lies in
bringing forth the human values in man, thus allowing the blossoming of his
personality. NCERT, during January 1979, suggested the 84 values in extensive,
which are enumerated under here:
Assistance, Appreciation of cultural values of others, Anti-untouchability,
Cause, Citizenship, Consideration for others, Concern for others, Co-operation,
Compassion, Common cause, Courage, Courtesy, Curiosity,
Democratic decision making, Devotion, Dignity of individual, Dignity of manual
work, Duty, Discipline,
Empathy, Endurance, Equality,
Friendship, Faithfulness, Fellow-feeling, Freedom, Forward look,
Good manners, Gentlemanliness, Gratitude,
Honesty, Helpfulness, Humanism, Hygienic living,
Initiative, Integrity,
Kindness, Kindness to animals,
Loyalty to duty, Leadership
National duty, National consciousness, Non-violence, National integration,
Peace, Proper utilization of time, Punctuality, Patriotism, Purity,
Quest for knowledge,
Resource fullness, Regularity, Respect for others, Reverence for old age,
Sincerity, Simple living, Social justice, Self-discipline, Self-help,
Self-respect, Self-support,
Self-confidence, Self-study, Self-reliance, Self-control, Self-restraint. Social
service, Solidarity of making, Sense of social responsibility, Sense of
discrimination between good and bad
Socialism, Sympathy, Secularism and respect for all religions, Spirit of
Team work, Team spirit, Truthfulness, Tolerance,
Universal truth, Universal love,
Values for national and civic property
Modern education does not transform these values to the individual ,it merely
inform and very often deforms the minds of youth .these values belong
essentially to man no other creature .when we refer to “ Man “ we men a creature
with a human body ,mind ,an intellect and spirit .
When we say “I am, I do, I think, I want etc. Let us ask ourselves “who is this
I. the answer is simple I am I beyond words and beyond oral expression. I exist,
I am the truth. Only the experience of this truth will give me the ultimate
answer. Truth put in to practice is the right action .it is only through such an
action that the energy of love can manifest itself .within man we define it as
“conscience “as compassion, tolerance, in other words “altruism” it is an all
expansive energy that projects through the various aspects of human personality
.such light illuminates the way of life .it is the same energy that sustains the
entire universe and pervades creation.
“Amor Che muove il sole ele alter stele “
Love that makes the sun and all the stars move
Dante Alighieri
When this love reaches the mountains top from which one can perceive the
infinite horizon of the human heart ,then the identification with all
creation,the feeling of perfect unity will annihilate the limits contained in
the “ I “ and the “ Mine “ and take us to the “we” the step to universal love
,to the last value ,the destination ,the truth that is beyond any expression