How we can subduce Poverty

(Syeda Hifza Hammad, GUJRAT)

Poverty mean not having the money to buy enough food for family, not being able to afford proper facilities for life or having to buy clothes to cover one`s body. Poverty is lack of shelter. Poverty is being sick and not being able to see a doctor. Poverty is not having access to school and not knowing how to read. Poverty is not having a job. Poverty has many faces, changing from place to place and across time, and has been described in many ways. Most often poverty is a situation people want to escape. In addition to a lack of money, poverty is about not being able to participate in recreational activities; not being able to send children on a day trip with their schoolmates. Also not being able to pay for medication for an illness. These are all costs of being poor. Those people who are barely able to pay for food and shelter simply can`t consider these other expenses.
Despite the many definitions, one thing is certain; poverty is a complex societal issue. No matter how poverty is defined, it can be agreed that it is an issue that requires everyone`s attention. It is important that all members of our society should work together to provide the opportunities to the poor class of any society. It would help others.

Here is the list of those countries which are facing poverty. One of the most famous country which is facing poverty is Central African Republican. Although, this country is full of diamonds, yet it is facing poverty. They sold diamonds in Black market. Another important reason of its poverty is that they are facing corruption as well. Congo is another one of the poorest country of the world. Its military conflict makes its poor on the map of the world. Burundi is also in the list of the poorest countries. Its political unrest is the reason of its poverty. Niger is also a poor country and the changing of climate makes its poor. Malawi is poor due to its corruption Gambia , Liberia, Zimbabwe, Madagascar, Ethiopia, Guinea, Sierra Leone, Togo, Afghanistan, Angola, Bangladesh, Benin, Bhutan, Burkina Faso, Cape Verde, Chard, Comoros, Djibouti, Eritrea, Guinea-Bissau, Haiti, Kiribati, Laos, Lesotho, Liberia, Maldives, Mali, Mauritania, Mozambique, Myanmar, Nepal, Rwanda, Samoa and Principe, Senegal, Solomon, Ice land, Somalia, Timor lest, Tuvalu, Uganda, Tanzania, Vanuatu, Yemen, and Zambia are poor countries. These countries are the poorest countries on the map of the world.

There are many reasons which have become the main causes of poverty. The international food study institute had a brief note on a collection of extensive studies that analyzed the causes of poverty, analyzing household data and reviewing empirical research in twenty countries. They found that some of the major causes of poverty. These were the inability of poor household to invest in property and education, limited access to credit; in some cases these instances produce more poverty via inherited poverty. The systematic exclusion of ethnic minorities, scheduled castes, tribes, women and people with disabilities and health issues. Persistence of poverty is partially attributed to these classes not having access to institutions and market.

We can also find some more causes of poverty. War and Violence may be some of the primary causes of poverty. Political violence and organized crime have affected 39 countries. These two items, poverty and violence may also feed themselves. Young people are joining gangs and rebel groups in half a dozen countries; unemployment is the main reason that forces young generation to adopt this horrible profession for their existence. Extreme weather also may be a cause of poverty in many countries. Here also one of the main reason which becomes the reason of poverty. When natural disasters do not gain media attention of raising money becomes more difficult. This is made worse when government spend money in the capitals instead of poor areas which need it most. The cause of poverty also includes changing trends in economy of a country, lack of education and high divorce rate which causes feminization of poverty. Epidemic diseases such as Aids and Malaria also cause poverty.
One of the most major cause and effect of poverty is unemployment. Unemployment causes families to live in unsanitary conditions. If the parents are unemployed, this can affect that how the child is brought up and what kind of education they receive. Inequality and injustice are also reason of poverty. There are many reasons that why a person is being treated unequally. Prejudice and discrimination are often factors in cases of unequal treatment. Some people or so called aristocrats we can say, feel that poor people are inferior to them because they have less. Such people also thinks that poor people have no right to live their lives according to their wish. They have no rights to gain knowledge. Even some of them think that even they cannot breath without their permission. Thus, these are some problems which become hurdles in the way of poor people and they cannot sub duce poverty.
In our society poverty is a curse which is transforming generation after generation. As Pakistan is a developing country yet there are many areas which are fully backward. People have no awareness about anything. Even though some male persons of such societies do not perform any responsibility regarding their duties. Because of their non serious behavior their families have to suffer a lot. They have no proper food to eat, not sufficient dresses to cover their bodies and even they do not have any proper shelter to save themselves from the hardships of weather.

Although, there could be a lot of reasons of poverty, yet we also have many solutions to subduce poverty. We know that there are 1.2 billion people living in extreme poverty and as global citizens, everyone is responsible to perform his or her role to remove this element from society. Government institutes should continue their supports for the poor people so that they may stand on their feet. They should end all forms of poverty. Ending poverty is not just about people`s income but also their access to things like water, health, education, housing and security as well. The governments of developing countries must follow their commitments with action through national poverty reduction plans. The government must work with partners across different sectors including business, private, sector institution, donors, aid agencies, public departments and ministries.

Everyone can play a vital role in ending poverty. We should get involve and ask government and international institutions to transform commitments into action today. Creating jobs is also a great way to reduce poverty. Because when people have jobs, they have income, and when people have income they can more easily get themselves out of poverty.
As the UN says that: “Unemployment and underemployment lies at the core of poverty”

Syeda Hifza Hammad
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