Dissension of Jews and Muslims

(Nayab Fatima, )

Jews are the people whose religion is judaism, they are the decendent of hazrat Isaac (A.S), while the muslims are the people whose religion is Islam, they are the decendent of Hazrat Ismael.

But what is the dispute between them? Why are they hate eachother?

There are many reason of their conflict,
Religiously, both Hazrat Isaac and hazrat Ismael were son of Hazrat Ibrahim. So there is a debate over who was the son of God's divine promise?
Similarly, they are fighting over sacred place Masjid Aqsa, this holy place is also sacred for Jews.

Politically, there is also a dispute over territory. During 18th century, there was no country for Jews, they were living in Palestine,Germany etc. In 1933, the population of jews in Germany was 522,000. The Nazi party expelled Jews from their profession, prohibited them from entering in many German cities, and also emphasized them to migrate.

During WW2, they started a movement for a separate land. They became rebellions. Also conspired about a false event Holocaust (German were accused of killing 50 to 60 lakh Jews,by putting them in a gas chamber). This event is so sacred in Jews, in such a way that nobody would raise any question on it. The Jews did all of these by the support of government of Americans, Britian and Russians, because of making the German's weak in the war.

In return of revolt activities, Jews were awarded by one third portion of land in Palestine which was primarily inhabited by Arabs. And named it Israel.
The Arabs protested against this illegal allocation, and a new war started between Arab and Jews. Jews were fully backed by American and Russian throughout the war. Thus, Arabs were defeated.

This gave a new way to Jews(Isreal), captured Palestine cities one by one, and also invaded their neighbour Arab countries Egypt, Iraq, Syria. Destroy their whole life.

With passing time, the strength of israel increased, they became strong economically, politically. They have power of changing kingdom of big countries. They are the inventor of franchise system and expanded their business to every street of the world.

They use their strength for defeating palestine. Their aim is to capture whole palestine. Many conferences have held but still the situation is same.

Obama government was a hurdle for accepting illegal Israel occupation in palestine in some extend. Israel were never happy with Obama, they rejected suggestions given by UN, they even avoided to attent UN conferences, and considered it against of themselves.

But newly elected president of US, Donald Trump is fully in favour of Israel, he wants to make jerusalem, capital of Israel. It is said that, trump became president because of Israel.

Recently,2500 houses are being contructed for making an Israel's township. In Obama regime, 5lacs Israeli were living illegally in occupied palestine. But trump gave them a legal permit to live. It has been the 1st annoucement of allocation of land from last 20years. Trump's success is a good chance for Israeli community, and one can say that, it's arrival would end up every sign of Palestine state.

Palestine is a very weak country, they have no strength. They are powerless infront of israel. They look on Muslim countries to help them, to save their generation, to provide them a peaceful life and the most importantly to protect sacred place (Al-Aqsa mosque),

It seems that Palestine are paying for whatever happened to them in Germany, they are the real victim. The Israel got a separated homeland but palestine lost their homes.

Nayab Fatima
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