Odd Sight Of Our Nation

(Syeda Ijtaba, karachi)

Head Down, look straight ahead, don’t talk or smile on the way. Don’t go out alone after dark, Dress conservatively are tips and advices shared by our grandmother, mother and aunties for generations to girls. Although many girls follow these tips to keep them self from street sexual Harassment but result is same as before.

Any form of sexual Assault or Harassment either its verbal or physical conduct of sexual nature, it is an unwelcomed bullying behavior. It is offensive and objectionable violation of both religious and federal laws. No form of Harassment is ever OKAY. Everyone should be treated with respect, dignity and empathy.
“Harassment is everywhere if one looks hard enough, so naturally few ever do.”
(Dawn) (Khuda Bux Abro)
Unlike the Harassment based on other factors, the street Harassment is not taken seriously. It is other Considered as a joke, complement or any time pass fun BUT it’s none of these things. Firstly girls should acknowledge street harassment is not just a complement or action that can be ignored; it can start from a joke and end on a murder or rape. Street harassment is a human right issue it limits the peace of mind and mobility of a harassed person. This issue is common all over the world that’s why it is a GLOBAL ISSUE.

The Question that mostly click in our minds are Do these men even realize what effect this in human act on their fellow human beings, who are unfortunately women. Street Sexual Harassment is intense in nature it strongly affects.

Psychosocial health of a harassed victim of street harassment experience long term depression. Some women blamed themselves forwhatever happened with her. Such self blame parts negative impact on her Mental Health. The flashback of the horror event that happened with her makes her weak and stressed. She got feared of society, strange people and stayed at home quit her planning’s and stop talking mostly.

We live in a society that thrives on judgment. Victims of harassment themselves were blamed and Questioned. People focus on what she was wearing, what time was it, what was the place Bla Bla… Sadly men still hold the control and power in our society that increases Gender discrimination.

“Threatening someone isn’t passion, love or fun. It violence, its abuse and it’s a crime.”
In Constitution of Pakistan, Chapter 22, article 509 States that “ whoever, intending to insult the modesty of any women, utters any word, make any sound or gesture or exhibits any object, shall be punished with simple imprisonment for a term which may extend to one year or with fine, or with both.”

Education is not just enough for men or women. Men should learn how to respect women in their homes where they live with Sisters + Mother. That’s how they will treat women great outside their homes too. Although Every, women should do properly dressing according to her culture and society values or Norms, but men have to consider this fact that whatever women wears, her dress code or quantity of makeup don’t give license to them for Harassment .

Syeda Ijtaba
About the Author: Syeda Ijtaba Read More Articles by Syeda Ijtaba: 4 Articles with 13335 viewsCurrently, no details found about the author. If you are the author of this Article, Please update or create your Profile here.