AN APPLE A DAY, is not affordable today…

(Iqra Sarfaraz, Karachi)

In this pitiful era of Pakistan, even the phrases are changing. There was a time when we did not have to compromise when it comes to our health. But now the situation is quite different. Everyone has to look into their pockets while buying even a necessity because of the cut throat inflation. This inflation has many reasons to occur. The main causes are increase in supply of money due to which supply of goods and services decreases, second reason is the decrease in purchasing power, third is increase in population, fourth is that businessmen hoard necessities for earning the profits resulting in increase in prices of commodities, fifth is natural calamities: due to floods, increase in rains and earth quakes the level of production is decreased and hence the prices increased, another reason is devaluation i.e. rise in the prices of imports and many other which are countless.

This has now become one of the basic reasons due to which our country is not prospering unfortunately. Due to unemployment (another reason of inflation) and inflation the people have started even selling their children. Flour, ghee, oil, rice, fruits and other necessities of life are getting high priced day by day. The price controlling committees are restricted to the paper work only and are practically doing nothing. The government utility stores have not much stuff to sell and if they are having it then it is only for the elite or for those who have a political background. A poor who is earning 200 to 250 rupees a day is unable to make the most of any governmental policy and he is living hand to mouth. Similarly a normal middle class man cannot give his children a better future regarding education because a good education needs good money these days.

The people of Pakistan are facing only problems in different forms. Whether its unemployment and inflation, natural disasters, poverty, diseases also. All our government can do is giving false hopes and we, the people of so called Islamic Republic of Pakistan can only pray for our future and mourn for our present.

Iqra Sarfaraz
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