Ashes to Ashes

(Noreen Zafar, Karachi)

Ever since I remember having an opinion about something in life, I have had a thing against smoking. I had an abnormal repugnance against this addiction. What offends me is the fact that those who adopt this habit are totally aware of its repercussion. But then there are so many things we do in life that are harmful to our being.

People can get into different addictions. But the tobacco smoking addiction is something that is socially acceptable by society, and not looked down upon like others. It is considered alright if a guy pursuing one for marriage has smoking habit. Markets are still flooded with different brands available freely at every nook and cranny.

According to experts, lungs cancer is supposedly the largest cause of death in Pakistani males and over 90 percent of such cases are caused directly by the use of tobacco. A recent UNDP study mentions that cigarettes consumption per-head a year is at the highest rate in Pakistan when comparing with neighboring South Asian countries (Pakistan 629, Sri Lanka 392, Bangladesh 202 and India 119). This should be enough to raise a health alert! Printing a picture on every box showing the deadly disease this smoking habit cause is not good enough. Government should take measures by stopping the supply of this deadly monster in markets. This easy approach is one of the major reasons that why school kids have started smoking. It's more of a fashion then addiction now.

Noreen Zafar
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