Classroom Management

(Farooq Tahir, India)

The Concept of classroom management involves major components of teaching, learning and action in the class room. It is the study of various factors influencing the learning process on one hand and discipline and control of the classroom on the other hand. Classroom management is nothing but management of class, with discipline and control over the students’ behavior and learning. Briefly we could define classroom management as
“A system of action and interaction in the classroom between the teacher and taught for better learning and better interaction between them.”

Classroom management removes the disruption and barriers in the smooth teaching learning process. Therefore classroom management got a significant importance in today’s education system. Classroom management is purely related with teaching-learning process and it specifies the roles of teachers and students. Classroom management enables the students to work hard and learn better as it creates awareness among them to accept the rules and procedures which are prepared for their effective learning and all round development. While framing the rules and procedures the school managers and the teachers must have consultation with the students and also give fair chance to put forth their perspective. The sole reason for the classroom indiscipline of the students is due to unproductive and traditional teaching. The indiscipline of the students in the classroom could minimize if teacher spend time on productive and creative learning rather spending time on controlling and discipline procedures. A teacher who promotes self-discipline among the students is having high regards in the society. A good teacher always develops self-discipline among his students through the process of self control rather than imposing external discipline. Always the procedures, methodologies for classroom management must be flexible. The school managers and the teachers while preparing the procedures and methods for discipline must be cautious and pay much attention to this task as there are no universal prescribed rules and procedures or methods for classroom management. The managers and teachers are requested to design and adopt these procedures according to their demands. In most of the occasion the present mindedness of the teacher will be helpful in maintaining the discipline of the classroom. The procedures and rules design and framed for the better classroom management always aim at preventing or minimizing the disturbance of the class. It will be controlled amicably if the teacher is aware of the problem, strategies and preventive steps to be adopted in advance.

Factors which affect the Classroom management: Class room management is a complex and dynamic relationship of the teacher and the taught which is influenced by several factors which includes (i) Stages of learning (ii) Objectives of Teaching-Learning Process (iii) Modes of Teaching (iv) Condition of learning. If the aforementioned factors not given importance while framing the procedures for the smooth classroom management then the procedures will be of no use. The knowledge of the child growth and development, stages of learning, child needs and their impact are the factors that influence the classroom management. Objectives of teaching learning regarded as the reference points to the whole education system therefore it is very important to the teacher to understand the objectives. They must be cautious while adopting the methods of teaching and discipline, strategies and techniques to be evolved and the evaluation techniques to be followed. The teaching strategies or modes determine the discipline and control of the students. Child centered, activity based teaching, interactive process of learning will be helpful in maintain the classroom discipline and promoting the productive learning. If the teacher aware of the condition of learning then he will make learning more meaningful and interesting. The awareness of the teacher with the principals of condition of learning promotes effective significant learning in non-threatening conditions of environment.

Techniques for better classroom management: Effective teachers are passionate about educating their students. They want to spend their time teaching, not dealing with classroom disruptions. Proactive planning and skilled management of classroom activities can prevent many of the management problem faced by the teachers. Here are some classroom management tips of prime importance is mentioned to help teachers to settle problems, or prevent them from occurring, so that they can spend more of the classroom hour on teaching and learning.

I. Get the attention of the Class: Get the attention of everyone before the beginning of the class. Don’t use the traditional dialogues such as be quiet, I won’t start until everyone is ready, to get the attention of the class. To get the students to focus on you just walk to the front of the room and engage them and start your class with couple attention getting comments and continue until everyone is with you. Remember, don’t start teaching until all eyes are on you and everyone is in their seat.
II. Self-discipline: The teacher should adopt self-discipline in the classroom through constant and continuous efforts.
III. Healthy Classroom Climate: The teacher should established congenial climate in the classroom. Such that all students feel free to participate and ready to share their opinion and feedback.
IV. Identify Problems: Teacher and taught both sit together and identify classroom problems, social, academic, psychological and emotional problems that may arise in the classroom.
V. Focus on the Disruptive Students: If students aren’t paying attention or busy doing other things, get them focused by using nonverbal signals of disapproval. If they are talking, pause and look toward them, continue with the lesson but walk while teaching towards the problematic students and stop near. Having you so near the troublesome students usually shuts off the unwanted activity as the rest of the class’s attention is directed towards the misbehaving students. If there is a discussion going, direct a question to the student who is not paying attention or misbehaving. Remember to use his name when you begin to speak, otherwise he may not hear the question. Calling on a person by name brings almost anyone out of his or her reverie.
VI. Imposing Discipline Measures and Rules: If non-verbal cues are disregarded, the next step will be imposing discipline measures within the classroom such as having them to stay a few minutes after class or changing their seat.
VII. Keep Eye on the Class: Class goes much better when teacher keep eye on the students. Position yourself so that most, if not all of the class is visible. Watch out for shelves, computer equipment or class supplies that can block your view. When teaching, try to be facing students as much as possible. As you work with a student at his or her desk, place yourself so you can see most of the class. As you move around the classroom, don’t follow the same pattern. By varying your routine, it becomes harder for students to be disruptive if they don’t know where you will be next.
VIII. Make known the students the consequences of the Disruptive behavior: Good classroom management starts the first day of school. Once students learn there will be consequences for misbehavior, they usually try to avoid it and promote among them the spirit of self-discipline.
IX. Role of the Teacher: The role of the teacher is very important in managing a classroom. The classroom management demands the following points to be followed by a teacher for a good classroom management.
(a) No bias or prejudices should be shown against students.
(b) Do not rub the children of disruptive behavior on the wrong side.
(c) Provide proper counseling and guidance to students and plan for their improvement.

Classroom Management is an art as well as skill. Classroom management is an ongoing process and it never ends. Proactive planning and skilled management of classroom activities can prevent many of the management problems faced by the teacher and students. By applying the above mentioned procedures and strategies teachers could manage the class affectively and will established a positive Teaching-Learning atmosphere.


farooq tahir
About the Author: farooq tahir Read More Articles by farooq tahir: 135 Articles with 273934 views I am an educator lives in Hyderabad and a government teacher in Hyderabad Deccan,telangana State of India.. View More