Currency Rates qatar
Currency Rates in qatar - Last updated currency rates on 30 Mar, 2025 are Kuwaiti Dinar to QAR 11.7745, Euro to QAR 3.9523, British Pound to QAR 4.7415, Saudi Riyal to QAR 0.973, UAE Dirham to QAR 0.9944.
Find currency rates in qatar and its converted rates for all major currencies such as; US$ American Dollar, Euro, British Pound GBP, UAE Dirham AED, Canadian Dollar $CAD, Australian Dollar $AUD and etc. It is a one stop place where you can find currencies symbol with live buying and selling rates.
Thank you for providing currency exchange rates in SAR Saudi Arabian Riyal.
- By: Lateef
- on Wed 23 Sep, 2015
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