Interbank Rates in Pakistan

24 Feb, 2025 - USD to PKR interbank rate is 279.85, inter bank exchange rates in Pakistani rupee that daily updates in all major currencies include Saudi Riyal to PKR 74.63, UAE Dirham to PKR , Euro to PKR 293.96, British Pound to PKR 354.54 rates and all other currencies as are listed here. Interbank Currency Rates refer to State Bank rates in Pakistan.

USD to PKR Interbank Buy Sell
24 Feb, 2025 279.35 279.85
Currency Buying TT Clean Selling TT & OD
flag US Dollar 279.35 279.85
flag Euro 293.43 293.96
flag UK Pound Sterling 353.91 354.54
flag Saudi Riyal 74.49 74.63
flag Canadian Dollar 197.13 197.48
flag Australian Dollar 178.83 179.15
flag Japanese Yen 1.86 1.86
flag Thai Bhat 8.31 8.33
flag Chinese Yuan 38.75 38.82
flag Hong Kong Dollar 35.95 36.01
flag Danish Krone 39.35 39.42
flag Singapore Dollar 209.41 209.79
flag Swedish Korona 26.42 26.47
flag Swiss Franc 311.08 311.64
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Dollar to PKR Interbank Rate

Today USD to PKR interbank rate is 279.85 according to the official exchange rate set by the State Bank of Pakistan. Today, the value of 1 US dollar has decreased by 0 rupees and 0 paisa in the interbank market.

Currency Rate Today

This platform will give its users an incredible service by offering them an accurate and proper Interbank Rate live. You can avail this offer at any time it is free of cost and available every-time. This site will daily update interbank exchange rate along with Buying TT Clean and Selling TT and OD.

Interbank Exchange Rate

Interbank or Inter bank exchange rate is considered as a worldwide market where the trading currency is in the hands of global firms and banks instead of government. Here the bank has the sole authority to exchange the traded money at a particular rate or may be on wholesale rate. In simple words interbank is the bank that offers the opportunity to various large firms or banks direct trading with each other via online platform or Electronic Broking Service and involve in direct transaction.

Participants of Interbank

As mentioned above that in interbank market large firms or usually banks will involved which include; commercial banks, central banks, brokers, funding organizations and trading companies. Here every participant has their own market that is formerly known as interbank market.

Further, in several countries rules and regulations will be implemented on interbank market and these rules must be prohibited while interbank trading.

Inter Bank Dollar Rate

On contrary, the interbank rate is the rate of interest that is charged by the bank on the behalf of short loans as bank give an opportunity of borrowing and lending money in interbank market so it will decline the pressure and burden of withdrawals by offering interest on every exchanging currency. Whereas, the interbank dollar rate is also referred to an interbank exchange rate on which the paid by the bank at a specific rate and time period to other bank in case of trading currencies. Hence, the banks will tend to increment interbank exchange rate by buying and selling of foreign currencies in bulky amount and give it to the investors in higher rates. Investors will save these foreign money and when they withdrawal it they will get double or higher amount. Thus, it is very significance for the countries to keep an update of interbank rate today

Interbank Rates in Pakistan

The banks play a significant role in the life of a money exchanger as they enable various benefits and interest on money conversion but only regular and frequent investors have a chance to gain bounties on money exchange. The interbank exchange rate today is depending upon the International banks that the value and time period they had set for currency trading will determine interbank exchange rate.

However, in Pakistan the interbank rate today for currencies exchanging is not differ from the open market rate because in Pakistan the banking sector will offer more interest rates on money exchanged that is not suitable and favorable for investors who want less money for exchanging purposes. However, if you see from the investing point of view then definitely go to national bank of Pakistan to exchange money.

USD to PKR Interbank Rate

Besides that, if we talked about interbank dollar rate so it is always favorable for the countries as the USD dollar is relating to leading currency and most traded one because of its value and estimation. In such ways the USD is directly affect the PKR and we need to keep an eye on USD to PKR Interbank rate. And it is also necessary for Pakistan to accountable the economic condition of the country and this can be only happen after constant checking on interbank dollar rate.


What is the Interbank exchange rate?

The interbank exchange rate is the rate at which banks trade currencies among themselves, serving as a benchmark for currency markets.

How much is 1 USD to PKR in Interbank?

1 USD to PKR in Interbank rate is Rs. 279.85. Interbank Currency Rates refer to State Bank rates in Pakistan.

What is the pound Interbank rate today in Pakistan?

Today Pound to PKR is Rs. 293.96 in interbank rate.

How much interbank exchange rate

Inter bank exchange rates is USD to PKR 279.85, SAR to PKR 74.63, AED to PKR , Euro to PKR 293.96.

Comments on International Forex Rates in Pakistan

Interbank Rates in Pakistan provide a transparent and reliable benchmark for currency exchange, fostering trust and stability in the financial market.

  • By: Sadia
  • on Fri 21 Feb, 2025

The USD to PKR exchange rate fluctuates daily based on market trends, economic policies, and global trade conditions, affecting imports, exports, and the local economy.

  • By: Hoorain
  • on Mon 10 Feb, 2025

The USD to PKR exchange rate varies daily due to economic factors, trade balances, and market demand, impacting imports, exports, and overall financial stability in Pakistan.

  • By: Maheen
  • on Fri 07 Feb, 2025

The USD to PKR exchange rate varies daily, influenced by factors like inflation, trade balance, and international financial conditions.

  • By: Zain
  • on Mon 03 Feb, 2025

The USD to PKR exchange rate is always accurate and updated regularly. It’s a reliable source for checking the latest dollar value in Pakistan.

  • By: Abid
  • on Sat 01 Feb, 2025

Disclaimer: The currency exchange rates used on this page are obtained from various sources of money market. The rates here are only for info purpose and are not intended as a suggestion or recommendation to trade. Please refer your local money market or banks for daily updated rate.