Currency Rates saudi arabia
Currency Rates in saudi arabia - Last updated currency rates on 12 Mar, 2025 are Kuwaiti Dinar to SAR 12.16, Euro to SAR 4.0867, British Pound to SAR 4.86, Saudi Riyal to SAR , UAE Dirham to SAR 1.0213.
Find currency rates in Saudi Arabia and its converted rates for all major currencies such as; US$ American Dollar, Euro, British Pound GBP, UAE Dirham AED, Canadian Dollar $CAD, Australian Dollar $AUD and etc. It is a one stop place where you can find currencies symbol with live buying and selling rates.
You can convert any currency online now! Find the accurate Currency Rates in Saudi Arabia along with their live buying and selling rates for various currencies. This page is amazingly helpful!
- By: Zakaullah
- on Sat 13 Feb, 2016
I have recently checked the currency rates in Saudi Arabia for open market. Conversions to your currency is also possible online. I would like to recommend this page to my business partner.
- By: Omair
- on Fri 12 Feb, 2016
Now a day’s currency business isn’t working great because the petrol rates were low in Pakistan that’s why we don’t get much profit with other countries what i expect
- By: Shahbaz
- on Tue 09 Feb, 2016
I have facilitated from this page for checking the Currency Rates in Saudi Arabia.I have got my Canadian dollars converted into Saudi Riyal for some work transaction by using the information from this page.
- By: Wasif
- on Tue 09 Feb, 2016
Pleas send me the currency exchange rates of SAR to PKR, for both rates open market and interbank.
- By: Sajjad
- on Mon 08 Feb, 2016
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