Saudi Riyal to PKR Rate Today
74.66 PKR
Today, on 03 March, 2025, the exchange rate for 1 SAR to PKR is RS. 74.66 in the interbank market, according to the State Bank of Pakistan. The Saudi Riyal to PKR exchange rate changed from 74.66 to 74.66 during the last trading session in the currency market. The Saudi Riyal to Pakistani Rupee trading at the interbank rate remained unchanged from yesterday.
03 Mar 25
03 Mar 25
1 Saudi Riyal = 74.66 Pakistani Rupees
Last 30 days
Last 90 days
Minor Unit
Minor Unit Symbol
Saudi Riyal
1/100 = Halala
to PKR Interbank Rates History
03 Mar, 25
02 Mar, 25
01 Mar, 25
Saudi Riyal to PKR Rate
Weekly performance of SAR to PKR shows increased in value and Pakistani Rupee is up by PKR 0.00 or 0%. The peak conversion exchange rate of Saudi Riyal to PKR was PKR 74.68 and lowest PKR 74.63 conversion.
Monthly Fluctuation of SAR to PKR
Monthly fluctuation during the last 30 days as follows for SAR to PKR: High PKR 74.68 and Low PKR 74.19 in value, where buying was PKR 74.53 and Selling 74.66
Saudi Riyal Rate in Pakistan Today Open Market
The Saudi Riyal to PKR rate can be checked here. The Saudi riyal rate in Pakistan today open market fluctuates daily. As per the Riyal to PKR forecast or prediction, the rate may be increased in the upcoming days. However, the Riyal to PKR open market rate is usually different than the interbank rate. According to the Saudi Riyal to Pakistani Rupee history, the rate has significantly increased in the last few months.
Saudi Riyal to PKR Latest Trends and Insights
The exchange rate between the Saudi Riyal (SAR) and Pakistani Rupee (PKR) has seen fluctuating trends due to global economic shifts and regional financial developments. As Saudi Arabia's economy strengthens with rising oil prices and new Vision 2030 initiatives, the value of the Riyal remains stable. However, the Pakistani Rupee has faced challenges with inflation and political instability, leading to depreciation against major currencies, including the Saudi Riyal.
For expatriates in Saudi Arabia sending remittances to Pakistan, it's crucial to monitor these trends of Saudi Riyal to PKR closely. The Riyal to PKR conversion rate can greatly impact the value of funds sent back home. Staying updated with financial news and using trusted currency exchange platforms can help ensure the best possible Saudi Riyal to PKR rates. As of recent updates, the exchange rate hovers around 1 SAR to PKR 74.66, with slight variations based on market conditions.
SAR to PKR Real Time Updates
Stay updated with SAR to PKR real time updates and track the latest exchange rates. The conversion of Saudi Riyal to PKR often fluctuates due to factors like economic policies, trade balances, and market demand. These fluctuations impact the exchange rate, influencing remittances and investments. With precise real-time updates on SAR to PKR, you can stay informed, you can make informed decisions and stay ahead of currency trends for seamless financial transactions.
The Saudi Riyal or the currency of Saudi Arabia has shown a prompt stable exchange rate against the Pakistani Rupee; only minor fluctuations in the change rate have been seen. This stability reflects the direct economic relationship that exists between SAR to PKR and is governed by trade, remittance, and monetary policies. Individuals and companies in transactions of SAR to PKR need to exchange current rates using a readily available mechanism. Financial platforms and the currency converter work relentlessly to update such information that will lead to better decision-making.
Hajj & Umrah seasons impact the fluctuation of the Saudi Riyal to PKR rate
During Hajj and Umrah, increased demand for SAR by Pakistani pilgrims often raises the SAR to PKR rate. As of 03 March, the interbank rate is around 74.66 PKR per 1 SAR.
Current exchange rate from SAR to PKR as listed by the official bank of Saudi Arabia?
As of 03 March, the exchange rate for 1 Saudi Arabian Riyal (SAR) is approximately 74.66 Pakistani Rupees (PKR).
How much is 1 Saudi Riyal to PKR today?
Today 1 Saudi Riyal to PKR is Rs 74.66. In the last 30 days, the rate of SAR to PKR has fallen.
What is the SAR to PKR Interbank Rate today?
The SAR to PKR Interbank Rate today is 74.66 Pakistani Rupees for selling.
What is the SAR to PKR Open Market Rate today?
The SAR to PKR Open Market Rate today is 74.85 Pakistani Rupees for selling.
How much is 50 SAR in PKR?
50 SAR is equivalent to 3733.00 Pakistani Rupees today.
How much is 100 SAR in PKR?
100 SAR is equivalent to 7466.00 Pakistani Rupees today.
Comments on SAR to PKR Rate in Pakistan
I love how efficiently this website delivers accurate USD to PKR rates. It’s straightforward to use and updates in real-time. A fantastic tool for anyone needing reliable exchange rates.
- By: Shaheen
- on Wed 19 Feb, 2025
This page offers the reliable yet updated information on conversion rate.
- By: Hunain
- on Tue 04 Feb, 2025
Fluctuations in the SAR to PKR rate impact import and export costs, influencing the overall economy.
- By: zain
- on Tue 04 Feb, 2025
I always check out the Saudi riyal here before sending money to Pakistan. It helps me a lot to calculate money.
- By: Huma
- on Fri 17 Jan, 2025
I love how this site provides accurate SAR to PKR rates so quickly. It’s user-friendly, reliable, and perfect for anyone who needs trustworthy exchange rates.
- By: Zain
- on Wed 15 Jan, 2025
The currency exchange rates used on this page are obtained from various sources of money market. The rates here are only for info purpose and are not intended as a suggestion or recommendation to trade. Please refer your local money market or banks for daily updated rate.