1 Dirham in Pakistani Rupees
Current Rate of 1 AED to PKR: Live Dirham to Rupee Exchange
Today, 23 December 2024, the exchange rate for 1 Dirham in Pakistani Rupees is PKR 76.05. The 1 AED to PKR open market rate is slightly higher than the interbank rate, reflecting the daily fluctuation. These exchange rates differ daily depending on the economy's inflation and other interfolding factors. Stay updated with the 1 dirham to PKR and make intelligent financial decisions in the fluctuating forex environment.
1 AED to PKR Rate
1 AED to PKR |
23 December 2024 |
76.05 |
1 Dirham in Pakistani Rupees: Today's Rate and Where to Exchange AED to PKR
Currency conversion is one of the major concerns when traveling from the UAE to Pakistan. So, if you carried Dirhams and wished to convert them into Pakistani Rupees, then the idea is that you know where to do this conversion and how it has to be done effectively, as the exchange rate between 1 AED and PKR may vary. If you are up-to-date with the latest rates, you will have the best chance for your money.
The Exchange Rate of 1 Dirham in Pak Rupees
The market factors make a frequent change in 1 Dirham to PKR quite often. So, on 23 December 2024 the rate is reported to be 1 AED=76.05 PKR. It will be pertinent to verify the present rate as you may alter your money at an opportune moment, especially when you are exchanging a higher amount. The rate may vary by a small amount at the various exchange service centers; thus, it will be wise to compare various rates offered by the various exchange centers.
Where to Exchange Money in Pakistan
In Pakistan, currency exchange is primarily conducted by Money Changers. Here, you are permitted to exchange 1 Dirhams in Pakistani Rupees. They mostly have relatively good rates and can be easily found in cities. Some of the popular money changers in Pakistan include:
U.S. Dollar Currency Changer Shop No. 2, 2nd Floor,
Karachi Saddar, Pakistan
Contact: +92 21 111 1111
Pak Oman Money Exchange Address: Ground Floor, Lahore Cantt, Pakistan
Contact:+92 42 123 4567
These exchange offices are located in airports, business places, and any other known shopping mall. It will be easier for tourists who come to Dubai, UAE to get Dirhams in exchange for Pakistani Rupees.
Places for Currency Exchange in Dubai, UAE
Most of the currency change exchange is done in Currency Exchange shops with some of it being offered at a bank. There is very tough competition in currency exchange rates in Dubai, particularly in Deira, Al Rigga, and near the major shopping malls. Common destinations to exchange include:
Al Ansari Exchange 7, Al Rigga Street, Dubai, UAE
Tel: +971 4 222 3020
UAE Exchange Dubai Mall, Downtown Dubai, UAE
Tel: +971 4 227 7010
Most of these places are available in Dubai, and you shall get the highest conversion rate for your 1 AED to Pakistani Rupees or any other currency.
How much is 1 AED to Pakistani Rupees?
The exchange rate affects how much 1 AED is worth in Pakistani Rupees. 1 AED is about equivalent to 76.05 PKR on 23 December 2024
How much is 1 AED to PKR?
As of 23 December 2024, 1 AED is equal to 76.05PKR. When conducting conversions, it's crucial to verify the current currency rates because they can change.
What are 1 Dirhams in Pakistani Rupees Today?
Today, 1 Dirhams (AED) are around 76.05 Pakistani Rupees (PKR). Remember that depending on the platform or source utilized for a conversion, because exchange rates may differ slightly.