Germany provides €45m for projects in Pakistan

The agreements on technical development cooperation emerged as the result of a long-standing and trustful partnership between the two countries, the Economic Affairs Division said in a press release on Wednesday.

The newly commissioned projects align with the German development cooperation thematic areas of climate and energy, just transition; sustainable economic development, training and employment; health, social protection and population policy.

All ongoing and new projects work hand in hand with a holistic approach, building synergies for well-rounded solutions to effectively tackle complex and global challenges like climate change and inclusion of vulnerable groups, such as women and youth.

Secretary for Economic Affairs Dr Kazim Niaz and German Ambassador to Pakistan Alfred Grannas witnessed the signing ceremony of the 45 million euro agreements.

Officials of both countries highlighted the immense efforts taken in the past decades. The impact of the German development cooperation is proof for a successful cooperation targeting the development sectors in need.

“The German-Pakistani development cooperation has left its footprints in the country. With the agreement we signed today, we aim to continue our joint path towards a sustainable future in Pakistan,” Ambassador Grannas said.

Secretary Dr Niaz said on the occasion that “the government deeply appreciates the strong support that we have received on technical development cooperation.

SuchTV, 08 Feb, 2024
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