Gold price goes up in Pakistan for second consecutive day

Gold dealers noted a corresponding increase in the rate of 10 grams of 24-karat gold, with a hike of Rs343, now being traded at Rs184,756.

Similarly, the price of 10 grams of 22-karat gold also witnessed a decline, reaching Rs169,360. Moreover, the price of 24-karat silver remained stable at Rs2,600.

Internationally also, the global gold price saw a rise of $5 and was traded on Wednesday at $2,053 per ounce.

These fluctuations in gold rates are closely linked to changes in the value of the US Dollar, underlining the intricate relationship between currency values and gold prices.

This connection underscores the impact of global economic factors on local gold markets.

It is important to note that gold rates in Pakistan can experience significant changes throughout the day, influenced by trends in the global market.

The provided gold rates are sourced from reliable outlets, primarily located in Karachi and Multan.

For the latest and most accurate information on gold prices, individuals are advised to consult local gold merchants and jewellers.

SuchTV, 07 Feb, 2024
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