Gold prices witness massive decline in Pakistan

The price of 24-karat gold per tola dropped by Rs2,300, bringing it to Rs250,500, according to the All-Pakistan Gems and Jewellers Sarafa Association (APGJSA).

In the local market, the price of 10 grammes of 24-karat gold decreased by Rs1,972, reaching Rs2114,763. The price of 10 grammes of 22-karat gold also dropped to Rs196,866.

The international market also saw a drop in gold prices, with the rate per ounce standing at $2,370, after losing a hefty $43 during the day.

Meanwhile, 24-karat silver rates also saw a downward trend on Thursday with a decrease of Rs60, reaching a price of Rs2,860 per tola.

SuchTV, 25 Jul, 2024
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