Govt likely to raise petrol, diesel prices tonight

POL products in the international market experienced a hint of boost in the prices, as disruptions to shipping in the Red Sea and through the Suez Canal are pushing up the prices of US and African crude grades.

Industrial and official sources say that a hike in petrol price by Rs1.24 per litre has been estimated and Mogas will settle down at the new price of Rs257.37 per litre. The existing price of petrol stands at Rs256.13 per litre.

Similarly, the new price of diesel is likely to be at Rs265.44 per litre with the increase of Rs4.49 per litre. The price of kerosene oil is expected to increase by Rs5.93 per litre and LDO by Rs5.05 per litre.

Through a notification on January 15, the federal government had increased the price of petrol by Rs3.47 per litre till January 31.

According to the Finance Division notification, the per litre price of high-speed diesel (HSD) had been increased from Rs258.34 to Rs260.95 after an increase of Rs2.61.

SuchTV, 31 Jan, 2025
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