Ankara Prayer Times

Today Dec 19, 2024 prayer times Ankara are Fajr Time 6:28 AM, Dhuhr Time 12:46 PM, Asr Time 3:08 PM, Maghrib Time 5:26 PM & Isha Time 6:58 PM. Today's namaz timings Ankara are based on the Islamic date of 18 Jumada Al-Akhirah 1446. Schedule for 30 days of salah time calendar and azan time in Ankara with prayer calculation method available for the convenience of all Muslims according to their preference.

Prayer Time in Ankara, Turkey

Fajr6:28 AM Sunrise8:06 AM Dhuhr12:46 PM
Remaining Time
Asr 3:08 PM Maghrib5:26 PM Isha6:58 PM
Based on: Muslim World League (MWL) | Shafii change
Ankara Sehri & Iftar Time

Next 30 Days Ankara Prayer Times

Date Fajr Sunrise Dhuhr Asr Maghrib Isha
Dec 19 6:28 AM 8:06 AM 12:46 PM 3:08 PM 5:26 PM 6:58 PM
Dec 20 6:29 AM 8:06 AM 12:46 PM 3:09 PM 5:26 PM 6:59 PM
Dec 21 6:29 AM 8:07 AM 12:47 PM 3:09 PM 5:27 PM 6:59 PM
Dec 22 6:30 AM 8:07 AM 12:47 PM 3:10 PM 5:27 PM 7:00 PM
Dec 23 6:30 AM 8:08 AM 12:48 PM 3:10 PM 5:28 PM 7:00 PM
Dec 24 6:31 AM 8:08 AM 12:48 PM 3:11 PM 5:29 PM 7:01 PM
Dec 25 6:31 AM 8:08 AM 12:49 PM 3:11 PM 5:29 PM 7:01 PM
Dec 26 6:31 AM 8:09 AM 12:49 PM 3:12 PM 5:30 PM 7:02 PM
Dec 27 6:32 AM 8:09 AM 12:50 PM 3:13 PM 5:31 PM 7:02 PM
Dec 28 6:32 AM 8:09 AM 12:50 PM 3:13 PM 5:31 PM 7:03 PM
Dec 29 6:32 AM 8:10 AM 12:51 PM 3:14 PM 5:32 PM 7:04 PM
Dec 30 6:33 AM 8:10 AM 12:51 PM 3:15 PM 5:33 PM 7:05 PM
Dec 31 6:33 AM 8:10 AM 12:52 PM 3:16 PM 5:34 PM 7:05 PM
Jan 01 6:33 AM 8:10 AM 12:52 PM 3:16 PM 5:34 PM 7:06 PM
Jan 02 6:33 AM 8:10 AM 12:53 PM 3:17 PM 5:35 PM 7:07 PM
Jan 03 6:33 AM 8:10 AM 12:53 PM 3:18 PM 5:36 PM 7:08 PM
Jan 04 6:34 AM 8:10 AM 12:54 PM 3:19 PM 5:37 PM 7:08 PM
Jan 05 6:34 AM 8:10 AM 12:54 PM 3:20 PM 5:38 PM 7:09 PM
Jan 06 6:34 AM 8:10 AM 12:54 PM 3:20 PM 5:39 PM 7:10 PM
Jan 07 6:34 AM 8:10 AM 12:55 PM 3:21 PM 5:40 PM 7:11 PM
Jan 08 6:34 AM 8:10 AM 12:55 PM 3:22 PM 5:41 PM 7:12 PM
Jan 09 6:34 AM 8:10 AM 12:56 PM 3:23 PM 5:42 PM 7:13 PM
Jan 10 6:34 AM 8:10 AM 12:56 PM 3:24 PM 5:43 PM 7:13 PM
Jan 11 6:34 AM 8:10 AM 12:57 PM 3:25 PM 5:44 PM 7:14 PM
Jan 12 6:33 AM 8:09 AM 12:57 PM 3:26 PM 5:45 PM 7:15 PM
Jan 13 6:33 AM 8:09 AM 12:57 PM 3:27 PM 5:46 PM 7:16 PM
Jan 14 6:33 AM 8:09 AM 12:58 PM 3:28 PM 5:47 PM 7:17 PM
Jan 15 6:33 AM 8:08 AM 12:58 PM 3:29 PM 5:48 PM 7:18 PM
Jan 16 6:33 AM 8:08 AM 12:58 PM 3:30 PM 5:49 PM 7:19 PM

* All Timings are Beginning Times print Print

Calculation Methods Latitude /  Longitude: Juristic Methods
Muslim World League (MWL) 39.9272 / 32.8644 Shafii (Method & Fiqah)
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Turkey Prayer Timings (Top Cities)

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Today Prayer Times Ankara, Turkey

Today 19 Dec, 2024, Ankara Namaz Timings are Fajr 6:28 AM, Dhuhr 12:46 PM, Asr 3:08 PM, Maghrib 5:26 PM & Isha 6:58 PM.

The city azan, salat schedule & 7 days time table is also provided. Daily Fajar (Fajr) timing in Ankara, Dhuhur time, Asr time in Ankara, Maghrib Ankara prayer times & Isha Ankara Namaz timing are available. Today's 18 Jumada Al-Akhirah 1446 Ankara namaz timing with next 7 days Schedule from 19 Dec, 2024 to 25 Dec, 2024 with customizable prayer time calculation methods to calculate the proper time for your prayer. On other hand, you may also read Ankara zawal time updates with complete start and end time details.

Today Ankara Sun Set time or Iftar Time in Ankara is 8:06 AM and Dawn break Time or the end of Sehri Time in Ankara is 6:28 AM. Along with Ankara Prayers times you can also read the Ankara Sehri and Iftar time for Fiqa Hanafi (sunni) or Ankara Sehri and Iftar time for Fiqa Jafria (shia).

Prayer Timing Customization
By using this option you can change or adjust timing according to your country's prayer calculation methods. These timings are available for all Sunni schools of thought including Hanafi, Shafi, Maliki, and Hanbali.

You may also find here makrooh time updates including Ankara zawal time with complete details start and end time.

Ankara Sun Set time that is also called Iftar Time in Ankara is 5:27 PM and Dawn break Time that is also end of Sehri Time in Ankara at 6:27 AM. Sehri and Iftar time is also called Ramadan Time during the month of Ramadan.

Islam is broadly practiced as the main religion in Turkey with around 99% of the Muslim population. Ankara is a famous city in turkey, popularly known for its commercial-industrial city.

Prayers are a common practice of self-commitment, discipline, and spiritual devotion. Muslims devote their self to a more prominent reason that associates them with their creator. In Islam, Adhan is a call to prayer so that Muslims can perform their religious duties on time. The goal of Muslim life is to live a self-sacrificing life and seek guidance from Quran. Mosques have a historical, communal, and religious purpose. Muslims gather to form a community and strengthen their Islamic faith.

There are around 82,693 mosques located in Turkey. However, Kocatepe Mosque is the largest mosque in Ankara with a capacity of 24,000 worshippers. Muslims from far and wide come and follow their religious tradition and Islamic events in such large gatherings.

Mosques like Ahmet Hamdi Akseki Mosque, Aslanhane Mosque, Hacı Bayram Mosque, Kocatepe Mosque, Maltepe Mosque, Melike Hatun Mosque, and many other gigantic mosques are impressively built to accommodate Muslims from corners of the earth to hold prayers.

Ankara Prayer Times Today

Prayer Time in Ankara for Thursday 19 Dec 2024 are:

  • Fajr Time in Ankara: 6:28 AM
  • Zuhr Time in Ankara: 12:46 PM
  • Asr Time in Ankara: 3:08 PM
  • Maghrib Time in Ankara: 5:26 PM
  • Isha Time in Ankara: 6:58 PM

Q: What is Fajr time in Ankara?

A: Fajr start time in Ankara is at 6:28 AM and end time is 8:06 AM. Fajr consists of 4 Rakats as 2 Farz and 2 Sunnah.

Q: What time is Ishraq in Ankara?

A: Ishraq Namaz Timing in Ankara today starts at 08:21 AM and the end time is 10:26 AM.

Q: What is Zuhr Time in Ankara?

A: Zuhr starting time in Ankara is at 12:46 PM and the ending time is 3:08 PM. Zuhr Salah consists of 12 Rakat, including 4 Sunnah, 4 Farz, 2 Sunnah, and 2 nafl.

Q: What is Asr time in Ankara?

A: Today Asr prayer start time in Ankara is 3:08 PM, and it ends at 5:26 PM. It's an afternoon prayer consisting of 8 Rakat: 4 Sunnat and 4 Farz.

Q: What time is Maghrib in Ankara?

A: Maghrib start time in Ankara is at 5:26 PM, and the maghrib time end is 6:58 PM. It's a sunset prayer consisting of 7 Rakat: 3 Farz, 2 Sunnat, and 2 Nafl.

Q: What is Isha Time in Ankara?

A: Today Isha Namaz time Ankara starts at 6:58 PM and ends time at 6:28 AM. It's a night prayer consisting of 17 Rakat: 4 Sunnah, 4 Fard, 2 Sunnah, 2 Nafl, 3 Witr, and 2 Nafl.

Comments: Ankara Prayer Times

I was searching for the website where I can check the ezan vakti for my city Ankara. Now, I do not need to go anywhere else as the complete namaz vakitleri schedule for whole year is available here. It is such a wonderful website for us.

  • Farooq, Ankara

I can easily get the complete schedule for the Cairo prayer timings which is we need and this is really awesome to have the schedule from here..he every correct details are available here of the Ankara city prayers timing

  • Akhtar, Ankara

The great performance of the citizens of this Ankara city because here mention the whole weekly schedule of the five time prayers timing we need

  • farwa, ankara

With the help of this weekly schedule of the ankara city prayers timing we easily get note the whole weekly schedule from here authentically

  • Nabeel, Ankara

The best prayers timing schedule are available in this way of the Ankara city who the many peoples need to know that for offer the every prayer at the right timing

  • roshni, ankara