Surah Mulk
The 67th chapter of the Quran, Surah Mulk, holds utmost importance among Islamic beliefs. Consisting of 30 verses, it is indicative of the sole domain of Allah over creation and the delicate balance between life and the universe. Mulk means "Kingdom" or "Sovereignty," because He is Al-Malik, the King. It is He who possesses all deeds and does whatsoever He wills.
Famous Verse of Surah Mulk
اۨلَّذِىۡ خَلَقَ الۡمَوۡتَ وَالۡحَيٰوةَ لِيَبۡلُوَكُمۡ اَيُّكُمۡ اَحۡسَنُ عَمَلًا ؕ وَهُوَ الۡعَزِيۡزُ الۡغَفُوۡرُۙ (۲)
“Who created death and life in order to test which of you is best in deeds. And He is the Almighty, All-Forgiving” —(Surah Mulk 67:2)
The Daily Life Implementation of Surah Mulk
However, to learn much from it, one has to memorize it by heart and recite it frequently. The most reflective meanings inspire grateful humility-the realization of Allah's mercy and one's dependence on Him.
Surah Mulk is not just to be recited alone, but much more: it teaches one to understand more of the greatness of Allah and one's purpose in His creation. Begin your nightly habit today and enjoy its spiritual and safe blessings.
When to Recite Surah Mulk
- Before Going to Bed: The Holy Prophet (peace be upon him) had instructed recitation of Surah Mulk each night before sleeping for protection from the punishment of the grave.
- After Maghrib or after Isha Prayers: Let Surah Mulk become more or less a night regular after the Maghrib or Isha prayers.
- In Tahajjud: Recite Surah Mulk in Tahajjud, by the books known as the "night prayer," as a means to attain a deeper connection and forgiveness from Allah.
- In Times of Fear or Anxiety: Recite Surah Mulk while you're feeling scared, anxious, or insecure so that you may seek Allah's protection and comfort.
- On Fridays (Jummah): Many Muslims across the globe recite Surah Mulk on Fridays since it is a blessed day in Islam.
A Surah That Dares to Action
Surah Mulk PDF does much more in the life of a believer than recitation; it will also demand him to align his or her actions with the Surah principles. It will remind one not to forget to be thankful as well as heedless; and prepare for the hereafter. That highlight of accountability and reflection will make it stand as one of the cornerstones of spiritual development.
Why Surah Mulk is Called the Saving Surah
An Intercessor on the Day of Judgment
Surah Mulk is regarded as an intercessor for the one who regularly recites it. As per the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him), it is said to intercede for its reciter until he or she is forgiven, hence it gets the title "the saving Surah."
Protection from the Punishment of the Grave
That is another reason why this Surah is called the "saving Surah." It will protect a person from the torment of the grave. The Prophet stated it was an aversion from the torment of the grave (Tirmidhi).
Shield from Fire
Reading Surah Mulk daily has the effect of shielding from Hell. Surah Mulk acts as a way of supplicating for Allah's protection and mercy, ensuring one's safety in the Hereafter.
What are the benefits of reciting Surah Mulk?
Reciting Surah Mulk regularly brings numerous benefits, including protection from the punishment of the grave, intercession on the Day of Judgment, and illumination in the darkness of the grave.
About what did the Prophet say while talking about Surah Mulk?
"The Prophet of Allah said, "Surah Mulk has 30 verses which are interceding for a Believer in his favor till he is forgiven." Abu Isa Tirmidhi said this tradition is Hassan Sahih.
Why should we recite Surah Mulk before going to bed?
Reciting Surah Mulk before sleeping protects one from the punishment of the grave and reminds one of Allah's power and His accountability.
Surah Mulk
in which para?
Surah Mulk
is located in the
para (juz) and it is the
chapter of the Quran.
How many ayat in
Surah Mulk?
Surah Mulk
consists of a total of
ayat (verses).