Bakra Eid 2021 Date in India
A lot of people want to know about the Bakra Eid Kab Hai 2021. In this article, you will find information about the expected date of Bakra Eid 2021 Date in India.
The Hijri calendar ends after the month of Zil Hajj or Dhul Qadah. Each year, Muslims eagerly wait for Eid ul Adha and search on different portals about Bakra Eid Kab Hai 2021. However, the event is related to the remembrance of two prominent personalities in Islam. Thousands of years ago, Hazrat Ibrahim (Blessings of Allah Be Upon Him) took his son Hazrat Ismail (Blessings of Allah Be Upon Him) for the sacrifice in the way of Allah. However, Allah replaced it with a lamb that was sacrificed in the place of Hazrat Ismail (Blessings of Allah Be Upon Him).
Muslims all around the world including India sacrifice animals on the 10th, 11th, and 12th Zil Hajj. It is noted that there is a difference of 10 to 12 days in the Islamic calendar and Georgian calendar. However, Bari Eid in India and other countries arrive a few days back as compared to the last year. There is also a difference of 1 or sometimes 2 days in the Hijri dates of various countries.
Bakra Eid Kab Hai 2021
When talking about the date of Bakra Eid 2021 Date in India, it is expected on July 21 (Wednesday). However, the local moon-sighting committee will announce the final decision. The observance of Eid Al Adha depends on the Ruet e Hilal and no can tell exactly about Bakra Eid Kab Hai 2021. However, India usually observes Islamic events one day after Saudi Arabia along with Pakistan and Bangladesh.