Can you eat before Eid ul Fitr Prayer?
Eating before Eid ul Fitr prayer is count as a Sunnah. Mainly eating dates in odd numbers before going to pray Eid ul Fitr prayer is also a Sunnah as confirmed from the Hadith Narrated by Anas Bin Malik that Holy Prophet Peace be Upon Him never go for Eid prayers on the day of Eid ul Fitr before unless he has eaten some dates-(Sahi Bukhari). Eid ul Fitr is the religious festival of Muslims that also known as the fast-breaking festival; celebrate on First Shawwal, 10th month of the Islamic lunar calendar.
Can you eat before Eid ul Fitr prayer?
Another Hadith which proved that eating before Eid ul Fitr prayer is good and consider as a Sunnah. SayadinaBuraydah said that on Eid ul Fitr, Muhammad Peace be Upon Him would go to offer Eid prayers after eating something. Whereas on the day of Eid ul Adha, he would not eat anything until he performs Eid prayers. –(Tirmizi)
The above mention both easily clarify that eating before Eid ul Fitr prayer is a good act because our Holy Prophet Peace be Upon him used to do this. You can eat anything before Eid ul Fitr but its Mustahsib to eat dates in odd number means 3, 5, or 7 before Eid ul Fitr and it also confirmed with Hadith of Sahi Bukhari.