How Many Words in Quran?
Quran is a holy book of Islam and the words of Allah. There are a total number of 77797 words in Quran including 47638 words are in Makki Surahs and 30159 words are in Madni Surahs of Quran.
Total Number of Words and Characters in the Quran are as follows:
1. Total Number of Words in Quran: 77797 (seventy-seven thousand seven hundred ninety-seven)
2. Total Number of Unique Words: 14870 (fourteen thousand eight hundred seventy)
3. Common words in Quran: 400 (four hundred)
4. Madni Surahs of Quran words: 30159 (thirty thousand one hundred fifty-nine)
5. Makki Surahs of Quran words: 47638 (forty-seven thousand six hundred thirty-eight)
6. Total Number of Letters in Quran: 320015 letters (three hundred twenty thousand fifteen)
How many words are in Quran?
There are 77797 words in Quran.
How many words in Makki Surahs of Quran?
There are 47638 words in Makki Surahs of Quran.
How many words in Madni Surahs of Quran?
There are 30159 words in Madni Surahs of Quran.
How many unique words are in Quran?
Out of total 14870 words are unique in Quran.
What is the most repeated word in Quran?
“Allah” is the most repeated word which is mentioned for 2816 times in Quran.
Which word is longest word in Quran?
The longest word of Quran is (فأسقيناكموه) "Faasqaynaakumooh" which have 11 letters. This word is mention in 22nd verse of Surah 15 in Quran.
How many common words in Quran?
There are 400 common words in Quran.
How many huroof muqattaat are in Quran?
There are 29 huroof muqattaat in Quran. These words are combinations of unique letter or alphabet which appear at the beginning of 29 Surahs of Quran.
How many letters are in Quran?
There are 320015 letters in Quran.