List of Badr Sahaba Names participated in Ghazwa Badr?

A total of 313 Sahaba participated in the Ghazwa Badr. Out of total 313 Badr sahaba names some of them are:

Abu Bakar
Umar bin Khattab
Ali bin Abi Talib
Arqam bin Abi Arqam
Bilal bin Rabah
Zayd bin Khattab
Ammar bin Yasir
Malik bin Umayah
Ubay bin Ka’b

List of Badr Sahaba Names participated in Ghazwa Badr?

Ghazwa Badr
Ghazwa Badr was fought in the early days of Islam on 17th Ramadan, 2 AH and it is considered as 1st military victory of Muslims in battles. This victory was the main highlight in the establishment of Islam.

How many Sahaba participated in Ghazwa Badr?
A total of 313 Sahaba participated in the Ghazwa Badr.

List of 313 Badr Sahaba Names
Out of total 313 Badr sahaba names some of them are:
Abu Bakar
Umar bin Khattab
Ali bin Abi Talib
Arqam bin Abi Arqam
Bilal bin Rabah
Zayd bin Khattab
Ammar bin Yasir
Malik bin Umayah
Ubay bin Ka’b

Out of 313 Badr Sahaba how many martyred in the battle of Badr?
14 Muslims were martyred in the battle of Badr out of 313 Badr sahaba. Sahaba Names in Urdu, English, Hindi, Arabic, Tamil, Malayalam and other languages.

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Reviews & Comments

Victorious tale from the history of islam is a motivation for youth to build passion for jihad. Names of Sahaba in list hold beautiful meanings. Choosing one for my son to be and make him brave like them.

  • Usman , Karachi
  • Wed 18 Jan, 2023

An informative website that has all the Islamic content and knowledge.

  • Danish , D G Khan
  • Mon 07 Nov, 2022

A very knowledgable page regarding the Ghazwa Badr and Islamic information in particular. Such pages are to be circulated among the masses so that they can get the most benefit from it. I think any kid can pass their exam by just reading from their page.

  • Emaan , Edmonton
  • Fri 21 Oct, 2022

An informative way to spread the historical dates and events of Islam.

  • Qudus , Gujranwala
  • Tue 06 Sep, 2022

Amazing information, i urge all Muslims to read and learn this valuable information and be aware of our rich Islamic history.

  • Yasir , Hyderabad
  • Thu 09 Dec, 2021