2nd Ashra Dua

The second Ashra of Ramadan is known as the Ashra of Forgiveness. During this Ashra, Muslims focus on seeking forgiveness from Allah (SWT) for their sins and wrongdoings. It is the time to repent and ask for forgiveness, and the best way to do so is through dusre ashre ki Dua. By regularly reciting the 2nd ashra dua, believers can cleanse their hearts and embrace the mercy of Allah during this blessed time.

2nd Ashra Dua

Dusre Ashre ki Dua

اَسْتَغْفِرُ اللہَ رَبِّی مِنْ کُلِّ زَنْبٍ وَّ اَتُوْبُ اِلَیْہِ

"Astaghfirullah Rabbi Min Kulli Zambiyon Wa Atubu Ilaih"

This Dua means, "I seek forgiveness from Allah, my Lord, for all my sins, and I turn towards Him."

Dua for the Second Ashra

Ashra divides the holy month of Ramadan into three parts: the three ashra pauls or ten days each. The dosray ashray ki dua, which is popularly known as dusre ashre ki dua, also plays a very significant part in the second ashra, as this is the time when all devotees cry for forgiveness and mercy from the Creator. Allah (SWT) is Al-Ghafoor, The Most Forgiving One; He grants forgiveness to His faithful believers who repent. Also known as the 2nd ashra dua or second ashra dua, this time is devoted to reflection, repentance, and spiritual renewal.

The Second Ashra Dua: A Lifeline for the Believers

The dusray ashray ki dua is not just a chant; rather, it is a plea from the deepest recesses of the heart to Allah (SWT) to forgive. It reminds us of the fact that no matter how far we have run away, the door of mercy is always open. Thus, it is completely a lifeline for those who truly wish to reconnect with their Creator.

The Second Ashra Dua: Some Spiritual Benefits

  • Serenity: The recitation of the second ashra dua reduces guilt and instills tranquility.
  • Faith Restore: The asking for forgiveness strengthens the faith of a believer, renewing the commitment to be on the right path.
  • Mercy from the Almighty: Allah loves those who repent; even this dosray ashre ki dua is one of the channels to His infinite mercy.

A Time for Transformation

The 2nd ashra dua is a supplication that induces change. Let go of mistakes, ask for forgiveness, and seek to be a better version of oneself. While reciting the second ashra dua, think of Allah's boundless mercies and immeasurable love for those who repent.

Let this Ashra mark the turning point of your spiritual life; let the dosray ashray ki dua lift the flicker of hope and bring you closer to your Lord.

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