When situations are out of control we use this verse most. knowing the para & surah understanding the whole incident. Well I strive to recite it uncountable
- Abrar , Lahore
- Wed 29 Mar, 2023
Amazed to know frequently asked question are welcome on this site with proper guidance. Power of Dua will Show you a way when you become helpless like Allah did with Hazrat Yunus(AS).Full of Hopes Masha Allah
- Tabish , Malaysia
- Wed 18 Jan, 2023
One of the most significant passages in the Holy Quran is Ayat e Karima. It is a dua that Hazrat Yunus (AS) said while submerged in a fish, though. The poetry exhibits several wonderful qualities. It is the cause of the widespread recitation. Here are some frequently asked questions about Ayat e Karima.
- Sadaf , Delhi
- Fri 11 Nov, 2022
May Allah grant us guidance to read, recite and learn from Quran. Ameen.
- Gulbeen , Edmonton
- Mon 07 Nov, 2022
All the Ayat have some or the other benefits on us. The same each verse and chapter has a special meaning destined for us to understand and know about.
- Taiba , Tokyo
- Fri 21 Oct, 2022
By reciting ayat e karima, constantly, we benefit with the following:- 1) Acceptance of dua 2) Having our wishes granted 3) Forgiveness of sins etc.etc.
- Nasiru Shehu , Nigeria
- Thu 19 May, 2022
Ayat e Karima enables us to live a healthy life free of disability and physical problems. It has the potential to cure life-threatening diseases.
- Jameel , Gujranwala
- Tue 07 Dec, 2021
This du'a is beneficial to any person who's either in difficulties or hardship of live
- Aliyu Lawal , Nigeria
- Tue 23 Nov, 2021
When it comes to obtaining our sins forgiven by Allah, ayat e karima is the most powerful blessing we have at our disposal.
- Badar , Karachi
- Thu 18 Nov, 2021
It also assists to overpower and defeat tyrant leaders and enemies
- Mubashir , Lahore
- Thu 03 Jun, 2021
Ayat e Karima is a dua that Younus AS said after he got trapped in the stomach of a whale. Thanks for highlighting the benefits of this beautiful Dua.
- Minhaj , Karachi
- Tue 01 Jun, 2021
Reading this ayat having many benefits for any hardship or any difficulty, please read durood Shareef in start and end when start reading this ayat. and don't read your own choice numbers of this ayat always follow book guidance for any wazifa.
- Aisha , Karachi
- Fri 28 May, 2021
If you have enemies who are constantly annoying you or is bent on hurting you, you can recite ayat e karima. It is best for spiritual protection as well.
- Hassan , Karachi
- Mon 24 May, 2021
Hazrat Yunus (Blessings of Allah be Upon Him) made a dua in the belly of huge fish. The dua is known as Ayat e Karima and it is beneficial to read it during difficult situations in our lives. It is present in the 17th para of Quran Kareem.
- Arsalan , Nawabshah
- Wed 19 May, 2021