What are the Ayat e Karima Benefits?

Ayat e Karima is regarded among the important verses of the Holy Quran. However, it is a dua that Hazrat Yunus (AS) recited while he was in the belly of fish. The verse has several great virtues. It is a reason that people recite in large numbers. Below are some of the key FAQs about Ayat e Karima.

What are the Ayat e Karima Benefits?

Ayat e Karima is present in which Para?
Ayat e Karima is in Iqtarabali’n-nāsi that is the 17th para of the Holy Quran.

Ayat e Karima is present in which Surah?
Ayat e Karima is the 87th verse of Surah Anbiya (Surah No 21).

What are the benefits of Ayat e Karima?
Several advantages are associated with Ayat e Karima. Some of them are:
• It assists to overpower and defeat tyrant leaders and enemies.
• A right desire of a person can be fulfilled.
• It can treat different incurable diseases.
• It can assist in several spiritual issues including black magic.
• It offers great help in overcoming difficulties in life.
• It is also beneficial for people who are having marriage issues.

Reading Ayat e Karima how many times is preferable?

According to different sources, it is preferable to recite Ayat e Karima on 100 or 313 times.

What is Ayat e Karimakakhatam?
Some people also collectively recite the verse 125,000 times and it is known as Ayat e Karima ka khatam.

How to do Ayat e Karima Wazifa?
• Make ablution or wudu.
• Sit in a quiet and calm place.
• Recite Durood e Ibrahim 11 times.
• Recite 100 or 313 or 125,000 times Ayat e Karima
• Make Dua to Allah regarding your problem.
• Again Recite Durood e Ibrahim 11 times.

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Reviews & Comments

Reciting Ayat Kareema brings countless blessings and relief in difficult times. It is a powerful supplication for seeking forgiveness and mercy. Regular recitation helps ease worries and grants inner peace.

  • Ahad , Rawalpindi
  • Mon 17 Feb, 2025

When situations are out of control we use this verse most. knowing the para & surah understanding the whole incident. Well I strive to recite it uncountable

  • Abrar , Lahore
  • Wed 29 Mar, 2023

Amazed to know frequently asked question are welcome on this site with proper guidance. Power of Dua will Show you a way when you become helpless like Allah did with Hazrat Yunus(AS).Full of Hopes Masha Allah

  • Tabish , Malaysia
  • Wed 18 Jan, 2023

One of the most significant passages in the Holy Quran is Ayat e Karima. It is a dua that Hazrat Yunus (AS) said while submerged in a fish, though. The poetry exhibits several wonderful qualities. It is the cause of the widespread recitation. Here are some frequently asked questions about Ayat e Karima.

  • Sadaf , Delhi
  • Fri 11 Nov, 2022

May Allah grant us guidance to read, recite and learn from Quran. Ameen.

  • Gulbeen , Edmonton
  • Mon 07 Nov, 2022