Five wonderful advises to bring Miraculous condition (in family).

(Manhaj As Salaf, Peshawar)

The virtuous servant of Allah who wants the miraculous conditions to happen (in family), the children to be healed (meaning they become obedient), and the sustenance to be abundant He must follow these 5 advises of kibaar ustaaz Hafiz Umar Siddique Sahib (حفظہ الله تعالى).

1. Every day (try) to offer Fajr prayers in congregation and then recite at least one warqa (pages from both sides) or one page of the Qur'an majeed.

2. Then read a hadeeth from the book Riyadh al-Saliheen or a hadeeth from any hadeeth book with translation. Number 1.

3. Then there is the duty of removing the dirt, that is, "Istaghfarullah wa atubu alayh." (استغفر الله واتوب إلی)

4. Then after that knock on the door of acceptance ie recite Durood or Durood of Ibrahim.

Then say this kalimah: ( سبحانَ الله و بحمدہِ) Glory be to Allah and His is the praise a hundred times.

5. Before Grandmothers, grandfathers, old men used to supplicate in our homes, today there are no supplications in our homes. Then all the members of the family should raise their hands and supplicate to Allah. When they all do so, all the situation of family will start coming in front of you and you will see your needs in front of you and you will all supplicate together. In sha Allah, miraculously the situation will get better and better. Because Du'aa and supplication is the key thing in a Muslim's life. Leaving Du'aa is actually a start of destruction in a Muslim's life, sadly it has started to happen, we seek refuge in Allah to become like that.

May Allah help us to read, learn, think, ponder, contemplate and then act upon these and then share these best advises with others, Ameen. These words of advise of miraculous conditions to happen (in family) are taken from Kibaar Ustaadh, HAfiz Umar Siddique sahib (حفظہ الله تعالى). Number 2.

Number 1. Note: The recitation of the Qur'an is also obligatory, in the case of Fard-e-Kifaya, that is, it must be done by at least one member of the household And in the same way, it is obligatory to recite a hadeeth (because one forgets what is left to be recited and it is a matter of common sense. You can confirm this with a memorizer of the Qur'aan.)

Number 2. Note: These words completely do not belong to Hafiz umar siddique Sahib. The meaning is the same but some of the words are also put up by me.

Manhaj As Salaf
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