(Zubair Tayyab, Lahore)

Written By: Muhammad Masood Azhar

Allah's bounties are uncountable. Our negligences, sins and ingratudes are so many. May Allah pardon! If a Mu'min's life is spent between Allah's praise and repentance, it is very good. When he sees and feels Allah's bounties and values them, he should pronounce الحمدﷲ رب العالمین . Can you answer a question? The words of a tradition are, "The Superior supplication is الحمدﷲ" which means, "All praise is with Allah." How did this sentence become a supplication? Moreover, it is not an ordinary supplication but the superior one. If we meditate deeply, a great secret of life will become known. It is said that the Superior Zikr is لا الہ الا اﷲ. No doubt, it is superior and elevated Zikr. Allah be thanked, the devotees worked for forty days. Allah be thanked, millions of Muslims are reciting لا الہ الا اﷲ for one hundred times daily these days. These are the words whose efficacy certainly comes to the view. There is not any curtain between this Kalimah and the High Throne. The High Throne is far away, very away. The Sun, the Moon and the starts are our neighbours. They are the servants of the earth but there are more worlds ahead of them. There is one sky, then the other, then the other and total seven skies. The Higher Throne is the highest of them all but لا الہ الا اﷲ reaches the High Throne at once. As a man learns about the mobile number of the president of a country, which may also be of common digits like zero, eight and five etc. but there is great difference in sequence. If you dial these digits with a special sequence, it will become the president's number and your voice will go direct to the President House. If you dial these digits with some other sequence, it will become the number of a sweeper and you can contact him to get the gutter of your house cleaned. Now, everyone whether president or labourer has own a mobile set. Some people do not possess a mobile set due to religious obligations. It is a good thing. These people must be leading a very peaceful life. On the other hand, some people do not own a mobile due to arrogance which is a very lethal malady. This is the foundation and root cause of sins.

A man was telling a tale that a billionaire in Karachi did not possess a mobile set. When asked the reason, he said, "Once I was going somewhere. Two scavengers were cleaning a gutter. The man in the gutter was giving instructions to the other who was outside on the mobile how to run and work the bamboo. Seeing this scene, I discarded using mobile set." This story seemed bad and abominable to me. The billionaire stopped using mobile as it is owned by the scavengers also but has not yet discarded eyes, nose and ears and all the other limbs whereas all the poor own these. It means, mobile was a sign of richness and arrogance. It is a metaphor of greatness. May Allah forgive! What connection between a man and greatness. There is all the time dirt, filth, urine, stool, disease, spittle, mucus, blood and all dirt in the morning and the evening. Then why Atr strutting? People just come out after stooling and begin to abuse others with scorn as, "O Punjabi! O Pathan! O Muhajir!" May Allah forgive! O children of Adam, all of you are similar and equal. Then why is Punjabi abominable? Which thing you have excessive than they. Why is Pathan abominable? Which thing does he lack in than you? Why is Muhajir abominable? Which deficiency has Allah placed in him? By the Lord of Ka'bah, Who created man from soil and semen, the people who are putting the Muslims to nationalism and regionalism are their worst enemies. Whether Punjabi or Baluchi, Pakhtoon or Saraiki, Urdu speaker or Sindhi, all the Muslims are the parts of one body and one soul. Kalimah Tayyibah لا الہ الا اﷲ محمد رسول اﷲ elevates everyone. Dialing mobile number of the president of the country costs as much as that of a poor man but the miracle of the sequence of digits is that those same five, eight and seven digits take you to the President House or a place of addiction. The Kalimah لا الہ الا اﷲ has been framed with alphabets and the word Kufr is also formed with alphabets.

You have witnessed how great change has occurred due to change in sequence of letters. When لا الہ الا اﷲ reaches the High Throne, it affects the heart also. That's why; the people who say that it is no use cramming The Holy Qur'an like the parrot are not sensible. It is good that remembrance of لا الہ الا اﷲ should be done with concentration but if a man has the malady and is not granted with concentration, he must continue it punctually. This remembrance will certainly light up all the corners of the heart by the grace of Allah. So many books are filled with the achievements of Hazrat Mujaddid Alph Thani. Full institutions are working on his letters and sayings. So big authors have devoted their pens to the service of Mujaddid Alph Thani. But you see that during life-time, Hazrat Mujjaddid's work was not so vast. The King of the subcontinent was annoyed with him and kept him in prison even. Hazrat Mujaddid not revolt against the King. He forbade his disciples also to do so. He stayed in a small town "Sarhind." He had neither big assemblage nor long tours of the country. Then, suddenly the world witnessed that the sedition of Akbar vanished from the earth whereas name and achievement of Hazrat Mujaddid began to echo in the world. When the second and third version of his achievements came to the view, the situation completely changed. What was all this? So big governmental sedition disappeared but the method and sect of a poor Darvesh got promulgated. It was an open manifestation of the blessings of لا الہ الا اﷲ. Hazrat Mujaddid attracted the Muslims to this Kalimah. Whenever, the Muslim is attracted to this Kalimah with full concentration, his own and that of the situation of the earth change so suddenly that the place where there was Kufrstan of Akbar, there was established firm Islamistan of Aurangzeb. It is not said uselessly that this Kalimah is weightier than the earth and the sky. These are not fictional exaggerations. When the Muslims are detached from this Kalimah, they are disgraced like a plucked kite. When they are detached from the Kalimah, they are blessed neither with Jihad nor true prayer. Hazrat Mujaddid was in a jail which was a cantonment and encampment of the forces of Jehangir. During that captivity, whenever he sent letter or message to his family, he always stressed them to recite the Kalimah لا الہ الا اﷲ for 1200 times at least.

Allah be thanked, after forty days' membership campaign, millions of Muslims are now being attracted to Kalimah Tayyibah. The impacts of this labour will spread far and wide by the grace of Allah which will continue till ages to come. There will arise piles of eternal sadaqat for the workers by the grace of Allah. The sacred effects that have come to the view in the month of June are wonderful. Persuasion to Belief, Prayers, Jihad in the way of Allah and entire Din was conveyed to more than 50,000 individuals. More than 3000 individuals received lessons on verses on Jihad this very month. Thousands of mothers, sisters and daughters benefited from this religious persuasion and passion. الحمدﷲ، الحمدﷲ. الحمدﷲ رب العالمین

The sacred month of Sha'ban started. The number of individuals who participated in different congregations of the organization exceeded 26000.الحمدﷲ رب العالمین On the other hand, if we have a look at our situation, negligence and deficiency, we are constrained to utter استغفراﷲ الذی لا الہ الا ھو الحی القیوم واتوب الیہ.

It is settled that life of a Mu'min remains between الحمدﷲ and استغفراﷲ and it must be so. Allah's bounties are uncountable but our negligences are also unlimited. May Allah bless us with gratitude and begging forgiveness , rosary as well as Istighfar لا الہ الا انت سبحانک انی کنت من الظالمین

Hazrat Abd-ur-Rahman bin 'Auf reports the Holy Prophet ö saying "The supplication of my brother Yunas was wonderful. Its beginning is لا الہ الا اﷲ, middle is praise of Allah and last part is confession of sins
. لا الہ الا انت سبحانک انی کنت من الظالمین

If a distressed, afflicted, sorrow-stricken and indebted soul supplicates with these words thrice a day, his supplication is certainly granted. (Kanzul-'Ummal)

Now, you have got the Wazeefah. Now Keep reciting this verse and supplication from the core of your heart so that forty-five days' campaign that is to continue from Sha'ban 15 to Shawwal may become honest, grand, living and be granted with acceptance with Allah.
لا الہ الا انت سبحانک انی کنت من الظالمین . لا الہ الا انت سبحانک انی کنت من الظالمین.
لا الہ الا اﷲ، لا الہ الا اﷲ، لا الہ الا اﷲ محمد رسول ا. لا الہ الا انت سبحانک انی کنت من الظالمینﷲ
اللھم صل علی سیدنا محمد والہ وصحبہ وبارک وسلم تسلیما کثیرا کثیرا والحمد ﷲ رب العالمین. لا الہ الا اﷲ محمد رسول اﷲ


Zubair Tayyab
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