Whether Taqdeer of Mankind can Changes?

(Mohammad Rafique, Dera Nawab Sahib)

Issue of Taqdeer is a burning question among the Muslims and it is going on from the early age of Islam. People have great interest in it. That is why almost every newspaper and Magazine publishes a column “Horoscope” and “what the stars forecast.” In these columns the astrologers and the Palmists tell about the fate of their viewers and also what will happen in the next week? They take the firs alphabet of their viewers name then matches it by the stars relating to it. Some astrologers choose the “lucky stones” for Rings or necklaces like Emerald, topaz, beryl, Agate, coral etc.
So, the question is: what is the reality of the fate (Taqdeer) of a man? Literal meanings of taqdeer is measuring, as the holy Qur’an reveals,” Lo! We have created everything by measure”. (Al-Qamar : 49) It means that Allah the most high assessed about everything of the universe, particularly for human being about his age, provision, and where he will be buried after death, and whether he will be entered in Paradise or Hell based on his good or bad actions?

There are two schools of thoughts in this issue. First is of the opinion that: the man is quite helpless and oppressed against his fate, he can do nothing by his own will and authority but what is already written in his fate. As he is a “robot” of his taqdeer, he acts upon whatever his taqdeer wants. While the second one is of the opinion that: Fate or Taqdeer is nothing but man can do everything by his own will and authority. But all the two points of views are erroneous according to the teachings of Islam. Religious scholars say that man is neither quite free to do everything and nor is quite helpless as to do nothing but is in the middle state of affairs.

Hazrat Ali (R.A.), when asked about taqdeer, he said to the questioner,” Lift up your one leg”. When he lifted it up, he again said,” now lift up your other one also”. He replied that it was not in his power. Then Hazrat Ali replied that it was the reality of Taqdeer.

Almighty Allah Says in the holy Qur’an, “And a soul and Him Who perfected it, and inspired it (with conscience of) what is wrong for it and (what is) right for it.” (Ash-Shams: 8)

These verses reveal that Allah Almighty inspired about evil and good in the conscience of man and he knows well what the right is and what the wrong is?

Now the question is: whether Allah the most high awarded only the knowledge of right and wrong actions to mankind and did not give the power to act upon any one of it? If it is so, then why Allah Almighty set up ‘Kiraman Katibin’ (Twain recording Angels) over every man to take all their good or bad actions into record? And why will be the accountability at the Day of Judgment and entering mankind in the Hell on the basis of his, her “bad actions”?

Whether it means that Allah Almighty, after tightened the man by the chain of Taqdeer, said to him,” Now go on and do what you can! I shall put you in the fire of Hell at the Day of Resurrection if your actions would be wrong”?

But it is not so because Allah is not tyrant and unjust to His creation but is the Beneficent and the Merciful as the holy Qur’an reveals, “Say (unto them, O Mohammad): The comfort of this world is scant; the Hereafter will be better for him who wardeth off (evil); and ye will not be wronged the down upon a date-stone”. (An-Nisa: 77) Also reveals,” (And unto him it will be said): This is for that which thy two hands have sent before, and because Allah is no oppressor of His slaves.” (Al-Haj: 10)

He awarded him authority for doing good or bad actions as it is mentioned in the holy Qur’an,” And that man hath only that for which he maketh effort, And that his effort will be seen, And afterward he will be paid for it with fullest payment; And thy Lord, He is the goal;” (An-Najm: 42) And,” Allah taketh not a soul beyond its scope. For it (is only) that which it hath earned, and against it (only) that it hath deserved”. (Al-Baqarah: 286)

Now, another question: Whether fate of man could change or not? So, according to the teaching of Islam, it can change as the holy Qur’an reveals,”Allah effaceth what He will, and establisheth (what He will), and with Him is the source of ordinance”(Ar-Ra’ad:39). According to the commentators, fate is of two sorts:
(1) Taqdeer ‘Muallaq’ (hanging fate) it can changes.
(2) Taqdeer ‘Mubram’ (Persistent fate) it does not change.

What can changes from the fate of man? So, narrated by Ibn Abbas R.A. and Hazrat Ali R.A. that,” good actions and giving charity (Sadqah) and supplications of parents make changes in the fate of man (Tafseer Jalalian, Ma’ari-ful-Qur’an). For example, if he serves his parents and pleased they and they supplicate,” may you live long my son and prosper!” Then his age and his provision will be increased surely and he will become safe from Hell and any other miserable condition, and so on. Palmists Admit this truth that lines of hands changes. For example, line of heart, age, line of fate, The Mount of Jupiter, The Mount of Apollo or The Mount of Venus can changes from time to time.

So reality of Taqdeer is: man should make effort to gain the useful substances and (also) make effort to avoid from the harmful substances according to his power, because no one can know what is written in his taqdeer good or bad in the “Lauh-e-Mahfooz.” This is the only way. As he makes effort in other walks of life i.e. for business, health or other works. For example, if he wants to run a business, then he makes the best planning for it, like providing capital, making advertisement and considering market competition etc. Here he never thinks about taqdeer and never says, that,” Allah Has mad promised to give my provision, so there is no need to do any business, it will come to me automatically.” And if unfortunately he falls ill, then he meets to the expert for remedy, he takes the best medicines and follows his doctor’s instructions. He never thinks at that time that,” if health is already written in my taqdeer, then I would be healthy, so there is no need to go to any doctor or taking any medicines.” likewise, he should also consider with the issue of taqdeer. May Allah the most high give us power to obey all His commands in order to make good changes in our fate.

Muhammad Rafique Etesame
About the Author: Muhammad Rafique Etesame Read More Articles by Muhammad Rafique Etesame: 202 Articles with 332028 views
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