7. Life-changing Facets of Ramadhan

(Mumtaz Ali (Mumtaz NASH), Sukkur)

Ramadhan is a month full of enormous spiritual wealth and rewards. It is the blessed month of Ramadhan in which the Holy Quran was completed and revealed upon the last Prophet (S.A.W). We receive Ramadhan with high aspirations and make promises to ourselves to please the Lord and beg for His mercy. Ramadhan is a great boon for the Muslim Ummah. If we keep our word sincerely and observe fasts, Allah’s rewards will come flooding into our lives.

1. Renewal of allegiance to Allah:
Ramadhan is an exercise in remembering Allah and His bounties from dawn to dusk. It rejuvenates the sense of allegiance to Allah. Fasting reminds the humans of their purpose of creation and leads them near to God.

2. Assessing oneself:
Ramadhan is the month of testing the faithful. Fasting is not only about refraining from the food and drinking but also about abstaining from anger, greed, jealousy, backbiting and thinking ill of others. Purification of soul is not an easy task; the person who is able to free himself/herself from these harmful habits is truly the successful one.

3. A lesson in perseverance:
Ramadhan in fact, a role model for the Muslims to welcome hunger and thirst for the will of Allah. Fasting is a shell against evils. It is simply a lesson in patience and perseverance. A fast observer prays five times a day, recites the Holy Quran, spends time in doing good deeds while abstaining himself/herself from drinking and eating. Ramadhan teaches human to lead life in accordance with God’s will.

4. Compassion for the less fortunate:
The blessed month of Ramadhan comes not only with individual but also with collective benefits. Individually, it saves the Muslim from the evils and collectively, it brings passion for community’s wellbeing. Philanthropists arrange Iftar for the fast observers at the Masajids or at homes. They pay the Zakat and encourage the poor and less fortunates by lending a hand to them.

5. Ask for forgiveness:
Ramadhan proves to very much profitable for the Muslim Ummah to call upon His door; to ask His forgiveness; to come near to the Lord and to please Him with good deeds. However, Ramadan is a great blessing to seek forgiveness of Allah.

6. Natural health medication:
Science has proved that in order to keep the necessary maintenance of the body, one has to refrain oneself from eating as well as drinking for a few days every year. Ramadhan is the only month that provides the Muslims with this healthy mechanism.

7. A great gift to fast observers:
After the month of Ramadhan comes to the end, Allah Almighty rewards the fast observers with a gift in the shape of a Holy day, known as Eid ul Fitr. This auspicious and happy day togethers the Muslims for sharing their joys with one another. On this day all the Muslims offer the Eid-prayer and are thankful to Allah for His great gift, the month of Ramadhan. People ask Allah for His mercy and more rewards to be the forerunners.

Mumtaz Ali (Mumtaz NASH)
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