What is Sharia ?

(Shakir Mumtaz , Karachi)

It is an anathema in the minds of most Non-Muslims and some Muslims also.

Successful Propaganda, labeling it antiquated, draconian and too Harsh is the reason.

Here is however, how the Muslim scholars see and categorize it.

“God made this Blessed righteous Shari’a accommodating and convenient and thus won the hearts of human beings and invoked in them love and respect for law. Had they had to act against convenience they could not have honestly fulfilled their obligations”

“The Shari’a is all Justice, Kindness, Common Good and Wisdom. Any rule that departs from Justice to injustice…..or departs from common good (maslaha) to harm (mafsada) ….is not part of Shari’a even if it is arrived at by literal interpretation”

“Take to forebearance, and bid the Fair and ignore the ignorant”
Qura’an (7:199)

Prophet was asked by God to “accept what people can do easily” not demanding high standard of deeds.

Holy Prophet (PBUH) has referred to this aspect of shari’a saying:-
“Ad Dino Yusrun”…..I am leaving among them an easy and practicable law; which is neither cumbersome nor susceptible to going astray”

Shakir Mumtaz
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